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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. howed they get negatives noobs
  2. episode there are 2 other episodes "melee" and "recon"
  3. .Slack♠


    no guitar hero got it from me and noodle
  4. sorry doesn't ring a bell
  5. my bad i looked at the wrong month on calendar
  6. see if it can re-scheduled to March the 1st since thats a saturday
  7. its not that its just teal and black its that its just 2 colors
  8. Its a style that people to do. its a lot harder then what it looks like. maybe but im just giving my opinion i wish it was more than just teal and black
  9. no, cuz Anthony modded too and he said "Xenon7 and I" so hes not the only person to mod halo 3
  10. not a very good sig but it would make a great logo
  11. ok if youve seen arby and the chief episode 4 you would know what i was talking about but we should make it an action scene where you see the gys running at each other like in arby in the chief then one guys dies and it zooms out and he is part of a letter in ibotmodz heres my example of the fighting part just the very beginning it starts at 2:20 then ends at 2:41 [youtube:36gmdpmb]No3e1meC-KQ[/youtube:36gmdpmb]
  12. wasnt much all the shots were from 2 feet away and it looks like a setup how long did it take to get the video from geevee?
  13. nice tut hows this look for a first? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7356-703.jpg
  14. thats the only reason i hate forge....it takes the fun out of glitching
  15. i tried workin around with it but the gaussian blur gave a nasty lookin gray color around him can you show me how to use pen tool to make cool lines? plus this is my first succesful use of a c4d
  16. geevee is ready!?
  17. .Slack♠


    only one ive ever heard out of that was the ramones
  18. wow that start over part just crushed me...ill resize it but are you serious you don't like it?
  19. [marquee:2ljoza94]V1[/marquee:2ljoza94] http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7290-712.jpg [marquee:2ljoza94]V2[/marquee:2ljoza94] http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7290-713.jpg [marquee:2ljoza94]V3[/marquee:2ljoza94] http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7290-714.jpg
  20. .Slack♠


    Buckethead Guns n' Roses Queen The Killers Led Zeppelin ACDC Breaking Benjamin Muse theres lots more thats just off the top of my head
  21. you should add that there may be a firmware for their router that includes xbox live compatibility thats how i got mine open
  22. my solution is shoot a little out of your weapon then press r and rb it works just as well just remember to switch weapons at the end
  23. Melo is unactive uh can you also check if any of the votes are coming from the same ip so we dont have someone making more accounts to gain votes we usually dont have more than 15 ppl on and i really doubt all 10 of us voted for melo (no offense Melo )
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