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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. Wow, with that comment ban is the least of your worries.
  2. .Slack♠


    Drums are already difficult for rock band and now it will be even harder.
  3. no, but maybe i could get a volunteer? i have a mod test where i put the mod into it and heres the link its an sppf patch
  4. Yea that was me sticking my friend. on the site he is TheSnackPack.
  5. Hmmm i wonder what the secrets could possibly be.
  6. when will we get things like flying warthogs, flying turrets, shader and projectile swaps, vehicle and bipd speed and jump height editing? I wanna make an auto splazer.
  7. No mean to be harsh but i dont like it..............
  8. i would like to change my name.
  9. Uhh i play with him every weekend hopefully this won't be like the ratsnest mod.
  10. 7/10
  11. well thats racism at it best! jk jk but still what a rip, its guna be a long time for me to get over this upset. sigh that does suck but maybe if you go on vacation to the U.S. you can use it
  12. Yeah it has to be b/c your in Canada. If you know anyone in the U.S. ask them to send them a question and have them tell you what they say.
  13. try 242 242 now
  14. Sorry but it looks like you made the background with paint 7.5/10
  15. Wha? well i think its because your in canada.
  16. My pc never had trouble finding my hd
  17. well its an american group so long distance charges would apply for you
  18. Cha Cha is a help hotline its a group of people that send you friendly advice for any question you may ask ANY question as long as it does not go against laws (killing, rape etc) i know people that use it for useful advice i do too. Many people have texted the questions to tests and cha cha memers go online and find your anwser.i used and got some useful information that told me my condition of Gynocosmastia was normal during pubirty. The number for cha cha is 242 242 yes i know only 6 digits but trust me it works i have our new memer the snackpack as witness because we used it yesterday for science homework
  19. Wassup Andrew This is a guy from my school who would like to mod halo 3 once that is possile too bad hes got a lot of learning to do.
  20. there goes my chances i have a feeling it will be between me snowmon and deathgrip and uhh im well not a huge contributor to the site just always active and willing to help.
  21. sweet i'll apply GMT-05:00. Eastern time zone.
  22. oh ok, that makes me less nervous in a way, so should i not put them on my fileshare.? just have people play it with you in customs.
  23. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15107-47.jpg Sux I want to hack it and tried but my pc couldn't find my phone and my attention span limited me.
  24. the game is like 1200 points and 1600 points is $20 + im kinda broke right now. (have you managed to find a working one?)
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