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Everything posted by Diggy

  1. Diggy

    GTAIV Help

  2. I'm sure your friend doesnt need to change his gamertag. If he does need to, buy MS Points?
  3. Diggy

    GTAIV Help

    4 hours of trying and nothing o_O Can anyone help?!
  4. Diggy

    GTAIV Help

  5. Diggy

    GTAIV Help

    Yeah, nothing works
  6. Diggy

    GTAIV Help

    nVidia GeForce GT220, but i only installed the card yesterday, and it didn't work with my old card either?!
  7. Diggy

    GTAIV Help

    I recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and even more recently installed GTAIV for PC, and the install went perfectly, but the game itself doesn't run. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing, and I have tried running in all different compatability modes. Can anyone provide any help?
  8. That needler is the double of the Halo:CE needler.
  9. Wait. You got 11000 msp? o_O
  10. Does it cause your to spell keyboard wrong?
  11. idk if its too late, but for $1200 you could by a really good system!
  12. Merry Christmas to all at iBotModz So what is everyone getting for christmas?
  13. I dont think so, google it!
  14. Hard drive could be bigger..
  15. Not lostmodz best work, but isn't that kinda harsh?
  16. I think you got the lighting etc. perfect but theres something about the font that looks weird. I'm not sure what though..
  17. Is it just me, or can anyone else imagine pargs holding his fist in the air shouting that?
  18. What did you imagine me looking like?
  19. I like the second idea, but I'm not sure if it's enough to have its own section. Maybe just start a topic about it?
  20. If it were me in your position, I would re-format my computer, but I guess it's your decision.
  21. Nice, im guessing Manassas, Quezon and Ezhtergom will be involved in the campaign in Reach?
  22. LOL i knew this was gonna be fake, the pic doesn't look like an Apple produced picture.
  23. I use CS4 Extended on Win7 64 bit and it works perfectly, any idea how big the cap on your downloads is?
  24. Good tutorial, but is this really necessary? There are a lot of other standbying tutorials out there, I just don't see the need for another.
  25. If you think about it, game companies are going the right way. If they brought out a game where you could fully customize everything you want, they would make a lot of money of course, but they are making a lot more by bringing out little things at a time, so its good on their behalf.
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