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Everything posted by Diggy

  1. I take it you've never took apart an Xbox 360 before, or you haven't read that these consoles come with 1 year warranty. Unless you meant paint your console while its fully assembled, which is stupid.
  2. Double post, but just say they have the wrong house. Not meaning this to be racist, but if your name is a white person name then get a hispanic or asian friend to answer the door and say they have the wrong house and they have never heard of you!
  3. I didn't think the Xbox was that bad, but its like $1000 for an iPhone with a colour case. You could buy a case for $2 on eBay.
  4. Yeah I owe them about $15 and nothing has happened at all.
  5. Get your parents to answer the door, and they might have to pay for it. Or if they shout on you, hide. Just hide.
  6. Some kid messaged me yesterday saying he would mod someones avatar skin colour for 1600MSP or a 3 month xbl gold subscription. What a rip-off, I hope he gets banned
  7. Not sure if anyone has seen this, but its pretty damn awesome! Colorware - Xbox 360
  8. I guess you've already got your copy working, but a few months back i downloaded an edition called 'Blue Edition'. Dont know much about it, but it didn't require a key at all.
  9. Diggy

    Song of the Day!

  10. When I saw the trailer i thought it looked too geeky and an all round bad movie. And then I saw it.. Then it backed up my original opinion. Possibly one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. I hated it.
  11. Diggy


    Yeah thats really old news.
  12. Me Ive had ODST since the day it came out and i've only played it once lol
  13. I have a 12 month if thats any good?
  14. I lol'd, but the picture looks way fake. For a start the button icons shouldnt be shiny and "Fast Food" should be in line with "Armor Classification". You didnt need to re-build a picture from scratch when you could have easily stuck a picture of Colonel Sanders on top of the armor preview.
  15. Forza 3 has been protected against modding very well. But I wouldn't doubt that it's unmoddable. We just need to wait, and see what happens.
  16. 1920x1080? Im not even gonna attempt to work it out.
  17. Listen to Quinn. Overclocking a laptop is a very bad idea.
  18. Halo 3 should be up here, but it's probably not because it is on Xbox 360 only. But it butt-blasted CoD: Modern Warfare 2 on sales for 360.
  19. Damn Pargy, sorry.
  20. Dom needs to taste Irn Bru.
  21. My paypal is limited, but nice post.
  22. Awesome! All I need now is an old xbox.
  23. Yeah, and it's not even a normal xbox, its a jtag. And all for the sake of a rank.
  24. Cant say that I do...
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