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Everything posted by Diggy

  1. 6 days! Holy shit im so excited.
  2. Diggy

    Demonoid Invite

    Private torrent website, and why did you thank and plus rep me? :L :S
  3. I forgot my demonoid account details, and when i go to recover them it says that my e-mail address i definitely used hasnt been used to make an account. So does anyone have any invites available?
  4. Excited much?
  5. Saints Row 2 Money Modding What you will need: Transfer Cable Xport 360/Xplorer 360 Hex Editor (any) Working Resigner (any) Step 1: Locate your Saints Row 2 save at: and extract to desktop http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/7646/pic1sk.jpg Step 2: Open file in your favourite Hex Editor http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/2937/pic2gk.jpg Step 3: Search for: and change the the next 8 digits to: http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/9558/pic3pd.jpg Step 4: Next, search for: http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/6226/pic4ex.jpg Once you have searched for the above hex value, look down the 03 offset until you see the numbers 03 (it should be a few lines down from what you searched) and change the next 8 digits after it to: http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/5392/pic5qa.jpg Step 6: Save and quit, and rehash and resign using a working resigner (I use Modio) http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/6043/pic6y.jpg Step 7: Copy back to HDD/MU and play away! Thanks for reading, dont forget to thank and plus rep!
  6. Diggy

    Justin Bieber

    Wow. I googled it and got this..
  7. what?
  8. I have to ask why? I think everyone on IBM could do all of these mods by themselves anyway.
  9. I think the H3:ODST one has been patched or something cause ive tried twice and it hasnt worked.
  10. Diggy

    Iron man 2

  11. TC CHRISI alive


  12. Diggy

    Modio Help

  13. Diggy

    Modio Help

  14. Diggy

    Iron man 2

    You minus repped me cause I gave my opinion? Grow up kid..
  15. I don't get all this loadouts shit, I just wanna kill some guys. They glow in the dark
  16. Someone's pumped for Reach. On a side note.. Has anyone noticed one of these spartans has a jetpack and the others don't? Is the jetpack an armor permutation, because that would be pretty cool if you had to earn it and pay for it.
  17. What exactly do you plan on doing with these models?
  18. Diggy

    Iron man 2

    Ironman was an average movie. It had the potential to be a good movie, but the director/writers made it too cheesy.
  19. You can't resume downloads with RS, not sure about MU.
  20. Rapidshare is good, but it's a bitch that you have to download like 8 files for one movie. Or like 50 if its a bluray!
  21. How did you find out now?
  22. Got the achievements.
  23. that would be pretty badass. Knowing Apple they would probably bring out something pointless like an iTunes for their game console. >.<
  24. Holy shit. I was on the bonus round after the 4th ******* set then some faggot on my team quit out. :|
  25. Yeah, they had a lot more polygons to work with in Reach. Even the guns look amazing!
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