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Everything posted by Diggy

  1. evar.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMZd_LSYn9c Should answer your question.
  3. It was terrifying lol, watching him get closer and closer.
  4. That icon needs changing
  5. It's an idea, how can it "lol fail"?
  6. I think a public B/S/T would be good because there are only a dozen or so VIPs and there is no other place on the site for non-VIPs (like me ) to trade things. And then maybe if someone is a good buyer or seller on the public marketplace they could get VIP so they could buy on a better marketplace where illegals etc. could be sold. Just an idea.
  7. major bump to say that?!
  8. Omg I was playing it last night and our whole team got wiped out on the very last wave by a chieftan with a gravity hammer.
  9. I cried a little.
  10. I lol'd too. I dunno why, just did.
  11. bump
  12. Ok, I've only played ODST twice since I've bought it, and I want these achievements but nobody will help me. Does anyone else need these achievements or does anyone just want to help?
  13. Diggy

    lmao movies

  14. As far as I'm aware, no. You could use a crossover cable and FTP, but I think it has to be flashed or jtaged.
  15. Diggy

    lmao movies

    Movies at only 350MB?! The resolution must be like 2x1 lol.
  16. a bit harsh?
  17. The multi-tasking isn't really multi-tasking. There's only a few apps you can multi-task with.
  18. I didn't know it was private in the first place, I could have invited you earlier if I had known lol.
  19. It ******' pisses me off when people spam shit about lockerz. It's pointless anyway, they bumped up all the prices by like 500% so that it now takes 15 days to buy a ******* desktop background. An iMac is 14,000 points I think, which would take 3,500 days to get. Who the **** is going to be using Lockerz 10 years from now?!
  20. Are you part of DS's game company thing?
  21. Team Rocket must be up to no good!
  22. Looks amazing! The broken down walls etc. will be a bitch to do though.
  23. Whats wrong with smoking weed?
  24. I will buy this Sidewinder shit for $10. Is it a mouse and keyboard?
  25. Just buy one, they aren't that expensive. Do work around the house or in your neighbourhood for money. Or use lockerz or something.
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