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Everything posted by Diggy

  1. Diggy

    Sword Master

    Or replace the sword with a magic wand make him like a fairy LOL
  2. Yeah, i just noticed that LOL. 2145
  3. I highly doubt it. I dont see why there can't be one, but I just dont think many people would actually use it.
  4. 2342
  5. http://ares.shitbrix.com/content/81/resized/microsoft-presentation-51970.jpg?1236410096
  6. Prices lowered... again.
  7. Good luck with GCSEs http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.png
  8. I would love to see an online where you're in a free roam city, so there's other assassins roaming about in the city aswell as you, but there are tasks for all assassins there, so it would be a race to complete the task. Also I would love to see a character upgrade option, where you could upgrade blades, weapons etc.
  9. Thank you, sir. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.png
  10. Not a CoD fan, but +REP for awesomeness.
  11. Care to explain? I bought the admin account for around $90 so I believe you are mistaken.
  12. LOL sorry didn't know that. And thanks for the vouch.
  13. Edit: Prices Lowered
  14. Wow, this game looks pretty awesome!
  15. I think this is a little over priced. I knew a few people who used to sell these accounts except the 50 was in MLG for 3 month subscriptions.
  16. ALL PRICES LOWERED Windows 7 Ultimate Key - $5 Windows 7 Professional Key - $2 Windows 7 Home Premium - $2 Windows Vista Ultimate w/Service Pack 2 - $2 Microsoft Office 2007 Professional - $2 Keep in mind I have all MS products but only the most popular are listed. Bulk buyers recieve discounts. I guarantee satisfaction but if there are any problems I will happily refund you. If anyone is interested in any of these products or would like to ask me about anything else, private message me Thanks. Vouches: Pargy, Slidell
  17. I used eBay to sell my keys, I live in the UK but I dont think that makes any difference at all. But anyway I made £120(roughly $200 I think)on eBay and roughly $40 selling keys to friends so they can re-sell them
  18. And in the second pic isn't it supposed to be Avatar Editor?
  19. MSDN Accounts for sale! PM me if interested
  20. What OS is this, Windows 7? I've already bought from you but just noting out your spelling mistake
  21. Try re-hashing. If not check your HDD for other campaign saves as it might be loading an alternate one.
  22. I take it he exposed the cpu/ram/mobo to static electricity?
  23. I think that may a bit too risky but apart from that awesome find and nice tut!
  24. Im in Scotland and its 5:01am. Happy new year everyone!
  25. Aw man, sorry bro. Next time i see a horse, im gonna punch it in the head just for you.
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