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Everything posted by Diggy

  1. 2219 P.S 200th post w00p
  2. 2217
  3. 2204
  4. Diggy

    Ban game

    Banned for making no sense.
  5. if anyone has an msdn account could u message me. thanks.
    1. dannyjr


      do you have call of duty black ops
  6. 2172
  7. Dom! I miss u bro. :( do u have facebook or something? Me u and Ian need to play Xbox again some time! Send me a message on xbl if u need me, I'll probably not be on this for a while again.
  8. Diggy

    Ban game

    Banned for having a misleading picture of a hot chick.
  9. First post here in seven months! Is the site definitely going down? I know I dont visit much but I will miss you guys.
  10. damn straight its diggy!
  11. Diggy

    Rhyming Topic!

    to a t-rex
  12. I'll help tomorrow if you guys need another player, I'm a legit 47.
  13. Land Down Under - Men at Work
  14. Blunts and joints are more or less even, and blunt wraps are more expensive. Buckets dont really save that much money, pipes are cheaper to smoke with. Im a man of experience, JMD.
  15. om nom nom. splaser is badass.
  16. it's me
  17. Diggy


    Dakote.. i think?
  18. Diggy

    Steam Games

    I have GMod, CS:S and TF2. ID: Diggyyy
  19. Diggy


    NO U LOL sorry for the bump
  20. Does anyone else feel a slight hint towards a gfx battle between dog5point0 and Lax?
  21. Couldn't agree more. H2 and H3 pwn Reach. To me it feels like Bungie have went for more of a graphics game than a gameplay game.
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