I think a public B/S/T would be good because there are only a dozen or so VIPs and there is no other place on the site for non-VIPs (like me ) to trade things. And then maybe if someone is a good buyer or seller on the public marketplace they could get VIP so they could buy on a better marketplace where illegals etc. could be sold. Just an idea.
Ok, I've only played ODST twice since I've bought it, and I want these achievements but nobody will help me. Does anyone else need these achievements or does anyone just want to help?
It ******' pisses me off when people spam shit about lockerz. It's pointless anyway, they bumped up all the prices by like 500% so that it now takes 15 days to buy a ******* desktop background. An iMac is 14,000 points I think, which would take 3,500 days to get. Who the **** is going to be using Lockerz 10 years from now?!