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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho
the game wasnt built for the story mode... its only 5 levels long. a 3 year old could beat that... do the tower of souls. try to beat that and get all the treasure chests... the other magnificent thing about this game is the create a character.... there are so many different unlockable equipment... i have a nightmare right now that can kill anyone in two swings... dont be dissapointed from the story... if you had played the other Soul Calibers, you would know that the story mode is just a time consumer... beating the game with all like 35 characters still takes time. and Darth Vader is 10x better than yoda... im sorry kids. but ps3 got the lucky side of that bargain... i have played it for both systems and the apprentice is on both and he is the best character in the game. you have to beat arcade mode with yoda to get the apprentice...
watch... this game makes me wanna cry at the higher levels...
if your xSata is plugged into your computer and is on the xbox. your 360 shouldn't find your HDD the computer is now able to access the HDD and not your 360. unplug your cable from your 360 and your 360 will restart. and now your should be able to see your HDD on your 360 now plug it in and you can access your HDD from your computer. and not your 360
alright i have this same problem. what you have to do is get a belt. (preferably a cloth one) and wrap it around your 360 like so - this is my 360. the connection on the 360 through the xSata to the HDD is bad. so this just fixes it for me http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/1211492355.jpg okay you need to download Beta 6 http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/xbox360pc/harddr...er360.beta6.rar or try xPlorer360 xTreme 2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VENMRLTM hope this helps
lol that one with the girl and the mask is from my clan on Rappelz!!!! where did you get that stock??? here is the link to my clans rappelz site. just look at the banner. http://rage.forum0.net/index.htm
lol not possible in anyway....
i really like it man very professional looking gz gz 9.87/10
Written by me (was at work and really bored so i thought of this while making burgers) alright set up your icons the way you want... then push (shift + Print screen) then open up paint and push (Ctrl + V) you should get something that looks like this pop up. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Cool%20Desktop/Desktop.jpg after that pops up in paint. save it as a .jpg. then open it up in Photoshop... i used Cs2. (its the best ) go to filter gallery and select Photocopy filter effect... should look like this http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Cool%20Desktop/Desktop4.jpg depending on the original color you use. it will select that as the glow color... mine was blue then you should get an img that looks like this http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Cool%20Desktop/Desktop2.jpg apply as your desktop background and you should get something that looks like this http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Cool%20Desktop/Desktop3.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this really only works if you want a basic color background... the photocopy effect messes up if you have a different color background o well i liked it. + rep if you like as well
i thought you threw your pet mouse against a wall... i almost call protective services...
not really "God mode" but a cool glitch. great find. and umm.. its in our rules no advertising your own site. so take away your own link. your video has advertisement in it anyway.
i really like the BG and the txt selection and everything... just the render looks a little blurry and it doesnt blend much at all with the BG. dood you posted this like today... can't expect many comments that fast man
locked... i dnno wtf this topic is about... first ever what? if its ur first ever mod... show something on it. give pictures... or video... or at least a link for us to dl it from... locked...
i really like Lax 's gz on urs though D1CE its cool too lax's looks almost archaic... reminded me of 300... especially if he put like some bright red drops of blood on it... but kept the black and white everywhere else. D1CE urs is really cool, really loved the colors, and street fighter is fking awesome, but the only thing that turned me off to it was that last lighting effect at the bottom of it
this is the only version that works with my HDD and i only have the 20GIG HD.. i dnno why. ive tried all the other xplorer360's and none of them work
he's going on a boat trip lucky ******* have fun peaches <3
i like the map... makes the gameplay for this map a completely different style though... no more quick peek snipes from snipe tower anymore... made most of the map a close range map now bc of shield doors. skulls on the map are actually useful. when using shield door tactic. found it fun with 3v3... not fun for ball or flag games though... no granades from across the map will help you now the lift at shotty spawn also makes a whole different play to that side of the map too
gz guys great job on your work man wtf is small sword? broken sword? and missle pod start = majesty
updated on pS3 and 360... not possible any more closed topic
come on kids. keep posting pics !!!!
me and my 3 brothers are grilling out... then all going to work damn fat ppl wont grill out themselves... they all come to braums and make me grill them hamburgers... then complain bc i didnt make all 7 of their burgers to perfect specifications...
that is teh majesty guys... wow.. and all just pen tooL? damn... gz gz gz gz i really like collabs bc you can always see the two different styles and they are just so cool when put together
start/run/cmd ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew
last one is just a RPG jump only host can do it
we were typing at the same time lol!
uhhmm... i eat wherever is free.... im in college so ... i gots no money if i eat out its at braums... (where i work)(burger/ice cream store)(kinda like a dairy queen(DQ)) and i just take the money out of my paycheck (woo that was a lot of parenthesis)
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