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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Wow Great job! perfect 10/10 I wouldn't change a thing
  2. Has great flow but the depth is lacking. idk. I just dint like the bg. but other then that great sig. o yeah text needs help. 8/10
  3. cesar wins week one
  4. HOLY s***....................your pro. lol good job...... I can understand that your bored. the world is kinda boring right now. nothing big has happened
  5. First to five wins
  6. lol great idea. thanks peach for the update
  7. Great Job. Hopefully this will help us get more members. P.S. you have a sexy voice lol
  8. The link when you click on it, it says account suspended
  9. Those are all pretty cool. good Job Snail!!!
  10. WTF lol. that was pretty fun to watch
  11. Vote for who you think did the best and tell us what you liked about it.
  12. Sounds good
  13. Thanks. I need to work on the text a bit. it looks like s*** imo. Idea we should do a collab!
  14. I say yes. IMO your are one of the top graphic artists on the site. good work I will talk to peach.
  15. Entry's due at 6:00 central time tonight
  16. Dyinghero inspired me to make my own Large piece. I have made them in the past but this is my first on in over six months. C+C plz Too Big for forum http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10859-338.jpg And the Stock http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10859-339.jpg
  17. Great work. Love the placement of the C4D's. Great smudging too. I think I will make something like this today. 9/10
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