heres one i never finished u can have it
thats sexy..... this also the first time anyone has made me a gift thank you so much. its going in my sig! 10/10 lol you know you can just hide those layers and save at will have the color version right
post a picture of you and some fun facts about you. this s serious that means no making fun of each other and you MUST be fully clothed. (me on the fare left lol) I play lacrosse, i like graphic design and i like hanging out with friends and you guys!
lets get back on topic here is what peaches came up with laxmonster54 has been moved to Global Moderator from the old position of GFX Team Leader Melo already a current GFX Team Member has become the GFX Team Leader blacklabelfosho who is already a Global Moderator is now the Global Moderator Team Leader