Decent idea, just could have been executed better the Light on his hand looks really odd, The bg is strange and doesn't work imo. good use of C4D's but i would mess with the blend mode a little because there a little bright in places. Other then that its not to bad for your first LP good job and keep up the work.
I just didnt know because of your description lol.... sorry about that. The sig Is too monotone does not blend shows no depth and the text could use some work. other then that its not a bad start
Yeah I dont know if I want to buy a water cooler for it. I get a new Alien Ware computer in a few months and it already has that. Plus I already have a computer that is water cooled. I was thinking Leds to I just dont know what color. I was planning on Making my own body out of the one that is already on it to. Alien ware soft ware is Not a bad idea though
Alright I got this computer given to me its a piece of s*** if you ask me but I plan to pimp it out. I dont even know what this thing is But I think it has XP on it so thats a start. Plans so far Feel free to post more ideas -New operating system (maybe Alien Ware) -New Hd -Paint Job -Custom Body ( I will make it ) -New drives I want to do more post more Ideas O yeah heres the computer lol
Helpful poster would be like Helping a new member or anyone at all with a problem example: I want to know how to mod, you would explain the basics and get him started....
^^^^200 posts to much? You will get there, just take your time.^^^^ Sounds great. We need all of this. I think the vip does need redoing. It was starting to look really sloppy imo. Cant wait to see the out come.
Put this in your Sigs on other sites to attract more members copy the code provided so it leads back here [url="http"][img=][/url] Edit Heres a smaller one [url="http"][img=][/url]