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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. C+C please... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32068-22.jpg
  2. Not to change the topic but you guys know what just realized???? Ive never tried to make a sprit........ hmmmm.... sorry for the randomness...
  3. Wrong forum. Moved to off topic.
  4. Yeah Ive been saying this for a while also.... no one will ever fix this problem
  5. Cool dude. They are basically all screen shots croped into Signature size. But its what ever floats your boat.... The ones that have more done to them they are decent. they Lack depth and some flow. And effects arnt that great. great start though. I would read some tutorials and expand your skills to different styles. If you want some more help join My site. you can find the Link In my sig. just click the image.
  6. Wow I didnt even know this was going on. Whos winning. I Have a really shitty tag in this comp btw I spent 10 mins on it lol...
  7. Come on guys it is alot of fun there.
  8. I have no idea what you just said lol
  9. I made this for a battle on another site tell me what you think.. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31544-60.gif
  10. We Can Link My Media site with this site. we are already Affiliates..... Sound good? you can look at my site by clicking the image in My sig...
  11. Heres Mine you win I know you will mine sucks. I really hate mine.... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31532-63.jpg
  12. Yeah I noticed. I havent had a whole lot of time on the computer though. But I made a special group fot you. you are a part of the iMedia Video team. thats why your orange. ill be on more starting tomorrow
  13. Thanks you guys should join. The site is a few days old so its a little slow right now but it should get pretty big
  14. Thanks bud...
  15. Ok So I am pretty sure this is allowed because I affiliate With peaches and soon the sites will be linked. But I would like everyone to know about My new site. I made it with the help of MELO. The site is called iMedia. Here is a short description iMedia Is a Brand new site. We Are all about The media Like New Videos, movies, news and Even Graphic design/GFX. We have the best of all worlds. Come by and visit. we have the best staff there is. we can get you any movie/ video you need. So what are you waiting for? Come By and join! Heres a link. Please have a look around. http://z4.invisionfree.com/iMedia/index.php?act=idx
  16. Okay. I love the B&W one. its the smex! Great flow depth and design. I just dont like how the focal point is in the very middle. overall good job though. 8.5/10
  17. Just going to my grandmas.... ill be on later tonight.
  18. Ill do it. but you will have to give me time I am really busy right now
  19. I am going to a friends party where there is a 70 foot slip n' slide!!!! Its amazing. they have like ten four wheelers and abunch of land. plus her dad is buying like a grand worth of fireworks for us. beet that! lol
  20. I can Find a new wrapper. that one we are using I made. And I never want to do that again....
  21. I helped Peaches..... I also made a site for all of the IBM members to go to http://z4.invisionfree.com/iMedia/index.php?act=idx not trying to advertise
  22. whoo hoo Now my site is gonna die.
  23. Thank you. +Rep Again
  24. I know that but how do I join that usser group. I have never used Invision. I am good with forumer.. lol
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