lol wtf. Its all smudging budy lol Good job. I wish I could do something like this but I fail at this style Looks good but eh border Is HUGE!!! Make it smaller then it will be the smex
I agree. God made Adam and eve not Adam and Steve. I think it should stay boy/girl. Its just what Ive been thought and its what I believe. I guess It doesn't really bother me a whole lot but if one ever tried to come on to me I don't know what I would do. They Can go play swords or what ever they do what I dont want any part of it. I don't mean to offend anyone, I just am strongly against Gay Marriage.
I love V2 V1 is a little to distracting imo. I think if you had a smaller canvas it would look better. thats why I like V1. the Breaks in it make it look smaller which draws my eyes to the focal point. This sig shows Great depth, color, Blending and your own Great individual touches. Its a great sig and I am honored that you are giving it to me. Thank you so much. Its going in my sig Right now!
I think its a good idea. I am in the process of making a advertisement video. I would love to be apart of the support team I am on here like 12 hours a day or more So I might as well help. lol
1. Shot about 130 cars with Paint ball gun 2.Painted the side of my dads NEW truck with wet tar 3. Shot bird in the eye with a bb gun 4.Killed frog Because it wouldn't jump ( I was very little) 5. Put baby snake into a pencil book then put the box under water and put rocks on it. 6. Threw rock at my sisters head busting it open. 7. Cought New house on Fire. 8. Set of Fire work and threw it into a car. 9. Set of roman Candle while going down the highway at 75 mph 10. Colored on the walls 11. Hit my dad in the balls with a basketball when he was looking the other way. 12. Credit Card fraud( parents wouldn't get my a new XBL account) 13. Rode my bike across town to get some Ice cream at the Mall. 14. Peed on a kids bike seat. 15. Sneezed on a candy bar then gave it to a kid That I hated. 16. Got into a fight and won then tea bagged him Halo style 17. Put Lunch meat on a car. ( Eats the Paint) 18.Hit a kid in the head with Card bored block in Kindergarten 19.De pants ed My Gym couch 20. Drove car when I was 8 and my dad chased me down the street.
Its decent. Lose the text and the border. Way too monotone but has decent flow. Work on creating depth and effects. Good job though and keep trying you will get better fast 6/10
Dude that sucks Im Sorry to hear that. I wish him luck and I really hope he will walk again. He will just need support from friends and family cause then anything is possible.