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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. thats pretty sick My mom is getting me a wii for my birthday. I might have to do that
  2. why are you leaving us?
  3. Its good the first time you see it then it just gets old.....
  4. uhh yeah sorry its being moved to spam. nice idea though... lol
  5. not a bad start..... the render stands out alot. nothing really blends. keep working on it and read some tuts....
  6. I will be back Saturday I believe
  7. Who are you talking about???
  8. When Melo said he was leaving I forgot I will be going to lacrosse camp on Monday for a week I leave Monday....
  9. your leaving me?
  10. Fire fox 3.0 is now out http://www.Firefox.com
  11. will do man, my msn is funkey_monkey_55@hotmail.com, i can be on for a bit now so... ya I wont be able to get on until like 11 or so. Or we could just wait until tomorrow
  12. Subs do you have Aim Or MSN messenger? If so add me. Hickmanlax54-For Aim InvisionGFX@hotmail.com-For MSN I will teach you my ways. I like helping people
  13. WHOOOO HOOOOOO Yeah your back I love all of your stuff. I love your style and I have started to pick up on it a bit. But I am seriously glad your back. If you dont mind me asking... where did you go?
  14. Bump
  15. I pulled it of horribly anyone else want to try this style? Its a form of Vector.... Rep Please
  16. http://gizmodo.com/391283/40-hours-of-illu...tor-time+lapsed
  17. Is there a download link?
  18. 10 mins lol
  19. I vote melo. You guys both came up with amazing sigs and Dice that is the best sig Ive seen you make. But melo Tried a harder style and succeed so I have to give him credit
  20. Thanks bud. anymore cnc?
  21. Well its what the title says. I really like doing this too. CnC Please http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/24301-196.png
  22. V2 is the Smex. but her arm still looks huge
  23. Lol Thats pretty cool. I like the thirty seconds later ! lol
  24. OMFG O_O That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen from you. that is a whole different level of amazing Wow just wow. Truly Amazing....... O_O
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