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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. I clicked other. I like some asian chicks. My girlfriend is 1/2 Filipino. witch means shes like a american just tan all year round lol
  2. Laxmonster54♥


    <a href='http://www.pixl-studios.com/forum'><img src='http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/8921/pixlbuttonob5.gif' alt='pixl-studios' /></a>
  3. I want more $%#^%# CnC............................................................................. .....................please
  4. Very cool. I love the concept. the arms and feet need work IMO and I really dont like that text... KIU
  5. V2 added
  6. CnC Please http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/4972/sexycityfz0.jpg V2 http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/7707/sexycityv2cf1.jpg
  7. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Matt/jeff-goldblum-is-watching-you-menstruate.png
  8. I will do anything thats able to walk, not fat/emo (I find them the same) or a guy...... GIRLS only!!!!!
  9. here a update. I just took this picture today. http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/8228/imemy4.jpg
  10. heres a newer picture of me. lol Im the one throwing the Log http://photos.l3.facebook.com/photos-l3-snc1/v261/103/8/522941797/n522941797_989596_9328.jpg
  11. anyone want to post there outcomes?
  12. Well Did I metion I LiKE TatERz? Closed for being off topic.
  13. kinda cool I guess lol. did you make the whole thing?
  14. I dont like how it goes from dark to light/ ruff to smooth....... Idk I just really dont like the transition... KIU
  15. I wasnt trying to offend you. I was just saying that so that you know that things are noticeable. Trust me you want to make something that no one can tell what you did... that makes it fun. And It also makes it look better and makes you look better. KIU
  16. lol hes getting good but no where near that.... lol Hits pretty good I guess I just dont like the retro colors that it seems to have.
  17. wh doesnt anyone every $%#^%# respond to my stuff???
  18. Lighting seems forced on the renders head. I believe the lines on the right is just a C4D. the Bg just looks like a light yellow to light pink Gradient and some C4D's slapped on and set to hard light or overlay. It works well together dont get me wrong..... I just dont see alot of skill in it. KIU
  19. well its a photo manip. I like the border and the line breaks anything else I should do? http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2050/laxandelegancekd5.jpg
  20. Dude Caratti is like pro. Hes pro at like every game he will destroy you. lol I was really good at one point. I was like top 200,000 witch isnt to bad I guess but Caratti plays with his cousin and his cousin is in the top 25.... so good luck if he plays....
  21. you should center it. and is it padded at all?
  22. Steven He didnt make any of those lol. They are ones "He Likes" lol
  23. wrong forum. MOVED
  24. Yeah deffentaly my top ten. Its a great movie. I really like movies from this time period too.....
  25. Laxmonster54♥


    I hate to see good movies like this ruined because they try and foruce some kind of love story..... It was the same with 10,000 B.C.
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