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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Prove it. We know its noodle.....
  2. Is anyone camping out anywhere besides me? I am camping out in front of Best buy for a external 320GB HD Its only $99
  3. I hope everyone enjoys it and if you are traveling, please travel safe. O and dont forget to tell your relatives about ibotmodz HAPPY THANKSGIVING
  4. I live in Missouri BTW lol
  5. it is $%#^%# 1.49 here for a gallon of gas. This is AMAZING!!!
  6. post anyways
  7. http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/472/firststockpackwj5.jpg
  8. I DID NOT MAKE THIS! Im trying to get the GFX section going again. try this tutorial if you wish. Tutorial
  9. I lol'd
  10. Ill play everything and anything.............. Including your mother
  11. lol thanks for the feedback.........
  12. Dude this section is dieing Get it up. We cant let art die.... come on!!!!!!!! New sig Cnc http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/6638/newsigkd2.jpg
  13. correct Those would be good if the Graphics section was more active but its pretty much dead ATM
  14. lol what about your avatar
  15. Everyone that loves me or the site put the IBM Zombie in your sig.
  16. I dont mind the name. I think its a good idea. If a better name comes up then fine but its still okay. I know you said not to discuss GFX but how about this Graphics -GFX Help -Showoff -Resources ((-)means sub forum)
  18. sounds good to me. Maybe we can sell our own web templates
  19. Nice textures Good job. are you using a tablet or something?
  20. @#%$ obama Nice drawing
  21. I like it. reminds me of my signature....
  22. I have no trouble with vista.... http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/7076/deskpe8.jpg
  23. well Green is almost the complete oppisite of me
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