I like the rep idea to get to VIP. I think we should go with that. But I also think that we should allow people to buy VIP for like 10 dollars a year. And all Topics in the VIP section should have to be approved by staff first. Thats my idea. We need better VIP stuff. It has gotten ALOT better, but we can still do a lot more.
lol coming from the kid that smears his sh!t on his photoshop documents. and three hours really isnt that much. So STFU Make something that is at lest good enough to be considered novice and then I might listen to something you have to say...
Something new Im still working on. I still have to mess with the shape of the body... tell me what you think. http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/8127/guitarcopylq7.png
no its not lol There is so much stuff you can do with the crop tool in PS. I had no idea until this year in my graphic design class. Photoshop is the way to go, but then again Gimp is free.
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