thats a HUGE header and the bg is distracting. the text by master chief isnt bad but the s*** on the wall sucks. lol I would have cropped the header so it was only from the waste up. but whatever your the pro lol O hey and tell him if he wants a a nice template he can buy this one from me and my friend
thats pretty raw man. Two things I would changes is I would lighten up the right a bit so we can see whats going on a bit better and I would tone down that Highlight rught next to the face. otherwise its a great piece
How is it in the wrong context when the whole piece is light. When I say work on value I say that because I want him to work on the overall lighting. And when I say lighting I mean how bright/dark the piece is in area's. Its a general rule to have a good range of Darks Mediums and lights, Also Known as Value. relative darkness or lightness of a color or Value consists of dark, medium...and light"-Joe Hing Lowe