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Everything posted by nielsss

  1. Good job, i'll close the other topic then.
  2. You're back ! (happy face) I added you to my new friends list /
  3. You guys leave him alone. lol
  4. Yeah good idea peach, i like the new H3 Modz Section.
  5. Ok people trust me on this one. I have a very good contact and he will let save both mods if i give him 1600 points. I havent got any points...So whoever donates them will get the maps too. He showed me them in a video (with him in it). So i know he has them.
  6. Thanks, next up ill make a tut showing how to do proj swaps with .map files.
  7. Here is a tutorial showing you how to mod a forge varient NOT RESIGN IT!! This was made by nielsss aka nox13666 from www.ibotmodz.net all the download links for the programs are below. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G8N6BCNS - Jhonson 1.4, HxD HEX, Xplorer 360 http://files.xboxsoftmods.org - .map files [youtube:1r4eelg7]GeUfvkWllgk[/youtube:1r4eelg7]
  8. Correction, anyone can mod but few can sign.
  9. nielsss

    How long?

    Check bungie.net you should have a message from the mod that banned u
  10. Yep lol its been leaked a couple of day ago http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13175-138.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13175-139.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13175-140.jpg
  11. I was one level away from brigadier and went down =[
  12. Im looking for 3 or 4 people wanting to do the language trick on team doubles Im a level 30 so im looking between levels 20 to 40 Actually one person should be enough...Reply ASAP
  13. Im up for it
  14. nielsss


    That can be your ticket to a day without internet. No, dont spam.
  15. I'm creating a new respect list, You will have to earn your spot to on it. So people who know they should be on there reply.
  16. If you want edit it, use a hex editor. Thats what i used to mod it in the 1st place. for references use jhonson or engineer
  17. You wont be able to play them yet (what yungbol said) When the map resigner you will be able to play them offline.
  18. I made a modded forge varient for The Pit. I added the following; -Two troop hogs -Two machine gun turrets from the warthog THIS IS UN-RESIGNED Again this is for testing purposes Download: Click here
  19. I know but i found a way round that, i also just finished a forge varient on the pit with two normal hogs and 2 troop hogs on the map
  20. This is an UN-RESIGNED modded Ghost Town. You might wonder why i made another one of these. Well this is a new map and the other one is a old map. Again i didnt do many changes since this is for testing purposes Proj swaps -Br shoots rockets -Smg shoot laser beams -Shotgun shoots flag cannon -Plasma Pistol uncharged shoot mp_masterchief DOWNLOAD:Click here
  21. What he said/ Oh btw im making a new map mod too just in case we also get or hands on a con signer
  22. This is an UN-RESIGNED modded snowbound. Trust me this will come handy soon Chages done (not much it was made for testing purposes) Proj swaps -Br shoots rockets -Smg shoot laser beams -Shotgun shoots flag cannon DOWNLOAD:Click here PS peaches download this, ive got a few idea's
  23. Hmmm im not too sure try having a look by opening it with wxPirs download wxPirs
  24. Halo 2 modding seems to rot in the grave
  25. Alright MFone, keep me posted
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