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Everything posted by nielsss

  2. Ok this happened a while ago and i decided to share:P. Anyway so i had this party and got very, very drunk...Then late during the night when most ppl went back home/bed i loaded up halo 3, keep in mind that i was completely trashed..Then i stole this girls glasses (i dont normally whear them) and I played lone wolves...and won! I dont actaully remember winning but my friend said i did so i checked on bnet and lol'd... Anyway i challange you to win a lone wolve match while being drunk and wearing someone's glasses or if you already wear glasses take em off.
  3. Just some pics, there's some more but i havent taken pics http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-384.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-385.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-386.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-387.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-388.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-389.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-390.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-391.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20011-392.jpg
  4. Damn, i cant believe you made that That's going in my sig, thanks people really appreciate it. Since i wont have my xbox for like a month I might just risk releasing a mod, one of the playable ones.
  5. country..dont really wanne go into that.. oh and i'll still have my pc with internet
  6. thats why i decided not to release it but then some nub had to leak it instead
  7. Im moving away so i wont have my xbox for around 30 days but ill still have my laptop. Just let you guys know. If you are on my friends list please dont delete me, thanks. [gamercard:15iou143]nox13666[/gamercard:15iou143]
  8. I have atleast 20 unreleased ones xD that list i posted is soo old now =P I know there un released cuz i havent released them
  9. That aint his if it's in the name of "Bungie" Or "KSI Carbon Core" If its not in any of those names he faked the idea anyway
  10. Lol their easy to get just get phisher set up.
  11. Haha lol, tyler faked me. I showed him how to spawn the water. Dont give me that crap What do you mean tyler faked me? Wow Phoenix our mods are diffrent from each others, I don't see his and mine are simalir. Well i didnt mean it that way, what i meant was that you took my idea and put it to good use. But the only thing i wasnt too happy about is that you didnt menchion me
  12. Haha lol, tyler faked me. I showed him how to spawn the water. Dont give me that crap
  13. "Modded Map - Leaked / Released maps with YOUR name result in a 30 day ban from Xbox Live" THAT is why leaking is bad, thanks people <3
  14. I cant release it because some nub leaked it.
  15. I mean prob would release it if enough people asked, i just dont like how people just leak it behind my back. Just shows how you cant trust some people
  16. Well thank you whoever leaked it, my pit mod has been leaked. Thanks to the a-s-s-h-o-l-e-s who leaked it, im not ganne release anything else. The reason why i didnt release it was because it was more of a test mod and i didnt want to release a crappy mod and have people calling me a sh!t modder. The following people have and i have no idea how they got it; -daKHAOSguy -Kanadian Halo -The Dark One555 Im talking about the pit mod with the pelicans and clones NOT the forge saved version. Thanks people im sure my dude who is signing for me will be happy.
  17. wouldnt tell people i got it and i wouldnt use it because of the risk that people would try and jack ur account
  18. Installs somekind of crappy virus to your windows folder
  19. I had a talk with Shadow and I just would like to remind people that post isnt necessarily facs. That's just what i think. Apperently anthony and shadow werent involved in the creating of the list, they simply heard about before us. I also talked to anthony and here's what was said...
  20. Oh btw i removed anything to do with modding on my fileshare.
  21. Well yesterday myself and few others had been talking to anthony and shadow and apperently he gave a list to bungie of modders that are supposed to get a console ban, the list is as follows; MrTwiggy PimpinTyler Ambio H3 Pyro Dakaosguy KSI Carbon Core x133783457x nox13666 Please note that that list might be imcomplete. So yeah.. You know what we've been thinking and here one theory, Anthony and his little cool circle arent verry happy that other people can mod and dont want they dont like the competition, Maybe they like being the only ones who can mod. And why would bungie say to anthony "go warn them" wouldnt they do it themselves? Like just send an email to us saying stop modding or we will ban you. No, we didnt get anything like except the word from anthony and shadow. And if bungie does decide to ban us they should ban anthony and his little cool circle because they all broke the term and conditions too, they were the first ones to do so. Oh and btw we've decided that if one of us get banned we will release the CON signer. And no people anthony and his little cool circle arent the only ones with on non server based con signer. Peace, im sure half you guys dont even know me. My gamertag is nox13666. Oh and just think about what would happen when the con signer gets released, everyone will have little porn pictures on their fileshare and crap loads of people are ganne get banned and then Microsoft will be pissed that a crap loads customers suddly disappeared. So yeah because of this i wont release any more mods, blame the cool circle.
  22. I helped you with the water, but you didnt menchion me
  23. Modded Epitaph There's much to it, ill list the stuff thats on it -Spawn with active regens -Fire when you spawn -Clones -Upside down sky -Quadwings -Forge-able active tripmines Pictures http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17144-569.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17144-570.jpg Video [youtube:38ip8oml]6oS-vDMf2vU[/youtube:38ip8oml] The third mod in the video is the Epitaph Mod Download link Download here
  24. Flooded Foundry (both versions) Post made by nielsss of iBotModz.net This added by iBotPeaches of iBotModz.net to prevent ripping I am releasing two different versions of this mod, i actually made around 5 versions but only two turned to what they were supposed to be and one was an improvement of the other. So basicly the way this mod works is that foundry actually has water on the map, if you look out the window in the distance you can see another factory with a big area of water around it. I then raised the water level by respawning the sky since the water is part of the sky. The hard this about this mod was to make sure the water was level and at the right hight. The difference between V1 and V2 V1 -Forge-able active tripmines -Floating gates -Floating Fans -Clones -Anti Air wraith Turrets -Anti infantry turrets -Water level raised V2 -Lowered water level a little -Floating gates -Anti infantry turrets (moved to a different possition) -Clones The reason i lowered the water level in V2 is because If you go under the water the water turns invisible which made it look kinda "glitchy" and the reason i removed the trip mines was because you could see them through the water and again it made it look weird. Screenshots of V1 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17136-571.jpg Screenshots of V2 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17136-572.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17136-573.jpg I would like to thank MrTwiggy and air sweeney. Sweeney for recording the video and Twiggy for various reasons. Video of V1 [youtube:j5sjd3fq]6oS-vDMf2vU[/youtube:j5sjd3fq] (The 1st mod shown in the video is Flooded Foundry V1) Video of V2 Comming soon.... Download Links Download Flooded Foundry V1 Download Flooded Foundry V2
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