Hey I still come here now and then But yeah....Wish I had the time again to come here as much as I used to. Sad to know ur leaving Smokie. Remember when I called u last new year ? Lol that was an expensive call xD We'll miss u <3
How do you guys not know quick??? He's a well known modder, Overpriced but its legit, He wont skrew u around. Seriously this is kinda insulting to him, Hes kinda well known lol Not to sure bout these edits, but that may be due to me being inactive in the modding scene, Dont forget that the modding scene seems to find stuff out and not tell people about it, for all we know there is someone with a map signer but that someone is just not releasing it nor telling people about it
Oh it is, just need to know some people Here hows this, had xbl for about 2 years now and never paid for it Used about $10 000 worth of ms points and never actually paid for it Lol anyone think of using this as proof to get me busted I have my ass covered with fake details and fake IP and a clear ms record by calling ms support and having a little talk XBL is free if you really want it to be PS Lol at ur binary sig =P i translated it and ended up with "Your Gay"
Uhm i kinda need a 1 month I can trade it for a 3month account, i just need the actual code for a 1 month, I can also make a brand new acount with a 1month xbl on it. Please send me a pm if you can help me out.. Thanks ibm
Oh and another one to add to the list, when i got drunk at a party i chased some people with a didldo...idk where i found it...Oh and another one to add...trashed this guy's house..in a bad way..during a party. Prob about to do some more stupid crap this weekend (another party)
21% Yeah me too, longest time i spend on a xbox non stop was during a lan party, 8 hours. Only stop for toilet. Longest time i ever stayed up for was two nights without sleeping but then fell asleep round 5pm
1. Killed a bird with a golf club cuz it shat in my house 2. Got drunk and stoned during luunch time in school (few times lol) 3. Made a bomb and blew it up on a rugby pitch leaving a huge black circle 4. Stole around $1250 worth of MS points 5. Credit Card Fraude 6. Got caught hacking school and blaimed for breaking the Data Protection Act 7. Blew up a smoke bomb in the busiest corridoor of school 8. Drove a motorcros bike round school on the field 9. fed my dead hamster to my dog 10. Kicked my sisters door n 11. stealing from shops 12. Running away from police 13. Shot a rifle and a magnum without liscence 14. Drove a car on the road without liscence 15. Got with a girl..that i really wasnt supposed to... 16. Stole $322 from sony 17. Was a passenger when my dad decided to drive 190 mph uh thats all i can think off atm