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Everything posted by nielsss

  1. Well I can unbrick/downgrade any psp upto firmware 3.52 no matter what mobo. If you are interested send me an email to nielsssgoethalsss@hotmail.com send me a private message.
  2. Soz for double post but this is in no way ganne work. i found a demo (after long search) and its a file with no extension (prob an image) and i couldnt open the file with anything...Sooo you cannot change any demo on the xbox 360 HDD
  3. Find out how big the demo is you wanne replace then look around in xplorer 360 and find the demo that way cuz it will be that size you will be looking for.
  4. Yeah would like to know if there r any programs out there to mod games using XSATA
  5. i thought about this, would this work? has any1 tried it?
  6. thats fecking awsome for a 1st
  7. nielsss

    Button Combos

    yay my tut is here i was about to post it
  8. Hardware needed; -PC with DVD burner -DVD+R or DVD-R single layer -Xbox with Phillips drive or Thompson or samsung version A http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/332-497.jpg In this tutorial i will teach on how to make a modded disk for xbox live. Many people said my OLD tutorial on how to make modded disks didn't work...well that's because it was not meant for hot swapping. And the only way to play old maps on xbl is using the hot swap method. Ok one you are logged in follow Here to download the halo 2 image (note you will need THAT iso) Note the file is about 8GB. If you cant download the file forget this tut and go away. Now you will need a Halo 2 ISO Editor, so you may edit the direct ISO file without altering the security sector of the ISO. Download for this program is located at bottom of post. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/332-498.jpg Make sure you do one map at a time and do NOT injet midship cuz it might corrupt for some reasoon Also make sure it says Exact http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/332-499.jpg Now once you have injected all the maps download CloneCD and then register clone CD Register Clone CD 1. Open the crack hit OK 2. Hit patch 3. When the pop up comes up select yes 4. go to your program files till you find slysoft 5. Then go to the clone CD folder and double click on clonecd.exe 6. And your done restart you computer and it will now be a registered copy of Clone CD! Burning the Modded Disc 1. Open up clone CD go to file then click write from file. 2. Then select your IMAGE000.iso 3. Set your drive speed to max 4. Then click OK 5. it warning will come up saying the file doesn't fit on the disc just check the box write until end of media is reached. Then click OK 6. And your modded copy of halo 2 will begin burning. Q: How do I hotswap with my un-modded xbox A: Q: Ok I know how to hotswap but i dont want to open my xbox A: Video Here Q: If my 360's drive is flashed can I do this without hotswapping? A: Yes! NOTE YOU WILL NEED TO HOTSWAP TO BE ABLE TO PLAY THIS ON LIVE Downloads H2_ISO_Editor_v2.rar CloneCD.
  9. THIS IS USING INSOLENCE NOT DOTHALO Step 1- Open Maps First, open Insolence. Now, open the multiplayer map in which would like use the Gravity Throne. Also open any campaign map in which contains the Gravity Throne. For this tutorial I will use coagulation.map and 06b_floodzone.map. Step 2- Drag & Drop To bring the Gravity Throne completely into the multiplayer map, there's just one tag that we're going to need to drag over: objectsvehiclesgravity_thronegravity_throne.vehi. Left click it once to select it, then left click again and drag & drop the tag into coagulation.map. It will add it recursively. Step 3- MoveBox Each time you drag & drop a tag, a small status box will pop up to give you information about what the program is doing while you wait. The longest part is usually "Relinking" and it may seem like it froze.. it didn't, it just has to do a lot of file reading & writing at this point, so let it be. When the move is done, this box will go away. You can now close your campaign map. Step 4- Fix the Seats Since this vehicle was made for campaign and only meant to be driven by non-playable characters, you're going to need to edit it to make it work for you in multiplayer. I'm going to walk you through fixing the driver seat. Double click the gravity throne's vehicle tag that you just added to open it up with its IFP. Switch to "Dev Mode" and click on the "unknown11" reflexive. The first chunk (#0) is the driver seat. Change it's first string ID to "ghost_d". This is necessary because the MC and the MP elite don't have the animations for using the Gravity Throne, but they do for the ghost. At the top of the plugin area, click on "Change Plugin" and switch to the XML vehicle plugin. Go to the "Seats" reflexive. Change the "Fire Weapon (H)" flag to "True".You can now close the gravity_throne.vehi tag. Step 5- Place the Gravity Throne There are a number of ways to place the Gravity Throne on the map. I am going to replace the Rocket Launcher with it. Go to "multiplayersingle_vehiclesbanshee.vehc" click on it and after, right click on it and select duplicate. Now click on "multiplayersingle_vehiclesbanshee2.vehc" and after right click on it and select rename, then write : multiplayersingle_vehiclesthrone . Double click the gravity throne's vehicle collection tag (throne.vehc) that you just added to open it up with its IFP. Click on the "Vehicle Permutations" reflexive, now click on "visible dependencies", you'll see the banshee's vehi tag, replace it to the trone vehi tag (objectsvehiclesgravity_thronegravity_throne) click somewhere blank to save and close the tag. Now we are going to the Coagulation scenario (scenariosmultihalocoagulationcoagulation.scnr). Open it with the IFP click on "change plugin" and select swapper. Search itmc tag : "multiplayersingle_weaponsrocket_launcher" click on it, now in the left botom corner choose vehc instead of itmc and in the right choose "multiplayersingle_vehiclesthrone" then click on Save, close the tag. Step 6- Fix Encryption Select "Fix Map Encryption" from the Map Options menu, close the map, and FTP it up to the Xbox. If I can give you an advice, increase the speed of this vehicle in the XML vehi tag.
  10. nielsss

    Flood in MP

    Puting Flood in Mp: Youll need: Insolence The map your modding like lockout Flood map like floodlab dot halo (maybe) Step 1: Open Insolence and then open the two two maps inside of insolence. Step 2: Getting flood into map In the map floodlab go to the bipd folder and find either the bipd ending with floodcomat_elite or floodcombat_human. then drag and drop the bipd into lockout(or the map your using) Its gonna take a bit. Step 3: You dont need floodlab any more so close it. In lockout you need to change some things so you can play as a flood or just kill them for fun. First go to bipd and find the flood you put in. double click to go into the editor. Now in the editor click visible dependencies. Youll see a few things and what you need to find is the tag type foot and change it from the flood_combatform to elite. Step 4: Changing more values Next we need to get rid of the sounds they make. Go to the jmad folder and open the flood you have (there might be other pieces to the flood but the only one you gonna mess with is the plain floodcombat_human or floodcombat_eltie) In the editor youll have to switch to dev mode by clicking on ifp plugin. Find the unknown 2 and click on it. When your in it youll see all dependencies click it. There will be a tag type called snd! null out the sound and to do that you just click the box next to it and find null. Now youll see a box with zero in it somewhere up above. Drop down the box and youll see more numbers. Click all dependencies in each one ONe at a time and just null out the snd! for everyone. Step 5: Go to the hlmt folder and find the flood. Go to edit the flood and switch to dev mode again. find variation and click it. a window will open and youll see the words all dependencies, In it youll see a udlg type tag with a box that says something that ends with floodcombat next to it. null it out. Step 6: changing the explosions Still in the hlmt change to the swapper plugin. look for the things that end in this body_destroyed and legs_destroyed. Now to make it easier just copy this effectsimpactexplosion_smallfrag_grenadeairborne_detonation and paste it over the where the body destroyed and legs destroyed are by clicking on it. Youll see in the bottom the whole long name for it and just highlight it and paste the airborne detonation over it. I heard that some time the legs destroyed will reset but they havent with me. **IMPORTANT NOTE: If your working with the floodcombat_human youll need to change every value to effectsimpactexplosion_smallfrag_grenadeairborne_detonation or else the game will freeze when you try to kll them** Final step: Two option: Turning elites or Masterchiefs to flood or puting them in map. Playing as them: Go to the matg floder and open the only tag. Now in dev mode find unknown 8. when you click on it youll see a drop box. Box #2 is masterchief and #3 is elite. now pick one and change the bipd of the one you choose to your floods. Puting them in the map: In dot halo(the easy way) find itmc and youll see all the weapons and ammo that spawn. click on whatever one you want to replace the flood with. Click on it and in the dependencies window change the hlmt to your flood. Resign and thats it. I hope you understand what I wrote its my first tut. Credit goes to the people who helped me figure it out.
  11. Donkey Kong Extreme Authors: killershard & A G1mp Map: Containment SLC? Fully, even if they do not have the map. Description: Hello everyone, on behalf of halo3forums.co.uk we are happy to release our Donkey Kong - Extreme Edition. This map consists of 6 Levels, at the top of each level the player must walk into the flag, of which teleports them to the next corrosponding level. There is a wide variety including warthog jumps and ghost jumps. Barrells along with many different projectiles are used. Many people have said the belive this to be a really fun mod, and some play it for hours and hours (I personally have played it soo much I could kill it). Theres an easter egg, well sort of; sometimes when you get in the hog it plays Mario theme tunes. The Levels are as follows: Level 1 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-648.jpg This is the easiest level. Players must get to the top to be teleported to level 2. They must be cautious of the barrels, they explode. Many noobs will die on this level. REMEMBER: A FLAG AT TOP OF LEVEL IS A TELEPORTER!!!! Level 2 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-649.jpg Level 2 is a simple warthog jump. Although this is simple, players must avoid a wraith bullet and falling expelled cores. This can prove tricky if bad at timing! Level 3 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-650.jpg Rockets, plasma's and wraith bullets. The route you take on this level is very important. 1 wrong step and you are deffinatly dead. Level 4 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-651.jpg Explosions are constantly around you. The route is the trick, aswel as not rushing. Rushing will caus certain death. Level 5 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-652.jpg Level 5 is a ghost track. The ghost must to a wide range of short jumps, however must not be stuck by falling plasma nades. Timeing is crucial again. (most people will die here). Once at end, there is a moving bridge that spawns every 20 seconds, players must take bridge over to level 6. (P.S Modders have no collision due to meta faking) Level 6 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-653.jpg Climb the hill without been splattered by another bridge been forced against you. Seems hard but is more than possible. Teleporter takes you to end. The end is a place where certain weapons are like plasma pistol, sniper and rockets. Rockets fire moving bridges, plasma tank shells. Flying turrets also spawn up there so the completers do not get bored. ------------------------- Extra's ------------------------- Warthog Skinned - Mario blue and red! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-654.jpg Map Skinned - Skinned like nice golden sand! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-655.jpg Spawn annoyer - A switch that kills spawners for 40 seconds! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/110-656.jpg There is also a secret modders area (modders can walk up slopes), but its secret so find it urself Download 1: Here Download 2: Here Download 3: Please mirror!
  12. These 2 mods are made using Uber Super Dooper Randomizer They took me 20 seconds in total. You can download the program (attached file) but please note when using the shader swapping tool it is very unlikely to get a working mod. Download both mods -Swapped proj -Swapped shad -Swapped effects bugs dont use the active camo and dont fire the banshee's weapon or the game will freez http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/109-657.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/109-658.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/109-659.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/109-660.jpg
  13. how to fix an xbox with error code 16 and should work with error code 21 Made by me PART1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=07MSbQPYhFc PART2 http://youtube.com/watch?v=tIacfmhS9Vg recovery disk ISO http://www.sendspace.com/file/3nwf46 burn the iso to a disk
  14. This is quite complicated but if you read the instructions it works i'll upload a vid soon Linux on the Xbox Info Here is a small tut on how I got mine to work You will need; -Imgburn (download below) SetupImgBurn_2.4.2.0.exe -Linux ISO for xbox -Blank DVD/CD (what your xbox can read) My dvd drive is a thomsom and I had to use a DVD+R but DVD-R should do just as good Just about anything your xbox can read that your pc makes. Ok now Download xdsl-0.5.iso and burn it to a dvd using ImgBurn Burning the ISO Open up ImgBurn Select the iso http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/103-671.jpg Make sure you have a DVD/CD in the drive ur about to use and then choose ur drive http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/103-672.jpg Now Burn the disk and wait e few seconds for it to finish (it will show a pop-up when done) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/103-673.jpg Thats it now put the disk in ur xbox and do a cold boot (boot the xbox with the disk inside the xbox)
  15. nielsss

    Zombie Turf

    Zombie Turf Patch:Download Link Patch Type: SPPF Map: Turf Map Information: [ YES ] System Link [ YES ] BSP Mods [ NO ] Map Skin [ NO ] Model Injections [ NO ] Machines Added [ YES ] Biped Mods [ NO ] Vehicle Mods [ NO ] Weapon Mods [ YES ] Lighting Mods [ YES ] Physics Mods Mods: -Elite is swapped with working flood -MC is swapped with ODST -Moved stuff around the map -Darkened map a little -Added backwash fog -ODST has a flashlite -BR shoots 6 bullets per burst this mod is best played with shotties only http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-674.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-675.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-676.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-677.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-678.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-679.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-680.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-681.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/102-682.jpg
  16. nielsss

    Lost containment

    Lost Containment V1 Website: www.ibotmodz.co.nr Preview: Download Link For version with fog Download Link For version without fog Patch Type: SPPF Map Information: [ N/A ] System Link [ NO ] BSP Mods [ YES ] Map Skin [ NO ] Model Injections [ NO ] Machines Added [ YES ] Biped Mods [ YES ] Vehicle Mods [ YES ] Weapon Mods [ NO ] AI Added [ NO ] Injected Scripts [ NO ] Teleporters Added [ NO ] Injected Sounds [ YES ] Lighting Mods [ NO ] Jmad Edits [ NO ] Physics Mods Mods: -added flak cannon aka Fuel Rod Cannon (swapped with shottie) -Removed scope off BR -PP charged shoots MC clone ( can be used as a distraction also it is pp CHARGED so that ppl dont spawn too many and make the map lag) -Skinned map -Swapped sky -Skinned hog -Heritec banshee -All weapons on map are duewieldable -Run Fast -Jump high -Hog turret is fully automatic -Proj swap on banshee -Carbine is swaped with PP -Plasma rifle is swapped with shottie -Spawn outside the map -Teleporter takes you inside the map -Map slighlty darker -Gate opens 5 times faster -green fog version available -Plasma nade is wraith bullet -Frag nade is a quick rocket -All weapons inf ammo -No reload EXPECTED IN NEXT RELEASE -Elite is Grunt or Hunter or flood -Shadow will replace tank -Overshield will be replaced by jackal shield -Halo 1 pistol -Halo 1 assault rifle With Green Fog version http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages2/93-1.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages2/93-2.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages2/93-3.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages2/93-4.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages2/93-5.jpg Without Green Fog version http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages2/93-6.gif
  17. Waterworks wars (i'm making another version with weapons mods) -Map fully skinned ---building ---new flags on building ---new floor -Map made lighter Just check out the pics Download: DOWNLOAD PICS! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages2/89-10.gif
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