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Everything posted by nielsss
Did i read that right? "You create a forge map, and mod that, put it in your XBL container, resign it, and then the Forge Maps apply to real maps like a ppf patch, but its non-permanent."
He means this http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8083-635.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8083-636.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8083-637.jpg
Yep, thanks again..Did you c the special thanks at the end ? =]
[youtube:39ta0chs]GVBZH_2ZXFY[/youtube:39ta0chs] Please keep in mind that I am not the founder of this glitch however I decided to make a video of this since there are alot of people out there that dont know how to do this. Here is a link to my fileshare http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...mertag=nox13666 The map varient will be on slot 4 Song used in the video Intro: Opium of the people by Slipknot Song1: Snakes by Papa Roach Song2: Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm
lol fattwam dont say you dont like cheating =P And @ snowmon you cant do the glitch wihtout forge because of the new auto-update, I ll make a tut on how to do it with forge sometime soon... Oh and fattwam im ganne need ur help...I need u to take a vid of something 4 me with ur capture card
Ah i miss the old days When halo 2 modding was still active and people loved it. If only we could mod halo 3.
I voted snowmon
Well since the prizes are for 360 i would expect so.
I glitched out of high ground using a ghost. I am not writing a tut since its impossible to do it with the new autoupdate. This is how the glitch works; Human in an infection game cannot use vehicles and since this glitch requires a vehicle and zombies only have swords with no nades that makes it is physically impossible to kill the person who performed the glitch but it still allows the person who did glitch to shoot since bullets arent stopped by invisible walls. Song used in the video Intro: Opium of the people by Slipknot Song1: Thrown Away by Papa Roach Song2: Blood Brothers by Papa Roach [youtube:39giohf2]ljogJLwyQpM[/youtube:39giohf2]
The points only work with an account that are from the same country of where the points are from So for example I have a UK account meaning that If the points are from USA i wont be able to use them. Anyway sign me up for the tournament. And i might have a couple of prizes, if i find that one month..Also i have a crap load of 48 hours..but yeah 48 hours wont be verry usefull since u need a gold account to take part in the tournament.
wrong section...moving to general disscussion anway, ill give it a go but if u can post as much info that u know about the account and have u tried calling ms yet? If not try that.
Uh you didnt make it XI NICE SHOT IX did. It even says "Tutorial Created by XI NICE SHOT IX" at the end of the original post. And if you tell me you're XI NICE SHOT IX well then why would you call yourself "JUSTREC" and if you use multiple nick names why didnt you put something like this; Tutorial Created by XI NICE SHOT IX aka JUSTREC ? Source http://www.*****.com/forums/halo-3-mod...807-mod-h3.html
this has been confirmed to be fake. sorry. You cant resign.
I have played countless hours mods on customs and never been banned
Luckily i found i link, i updated the original post its in Sppf format.
OOwwww Yeah halo 3 modding here we come, i know this should be in halo 3 news but this is too amazing .... TRUST ME THIS iS REAL AND IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FAKE [youtube:3qcw8kfx]6iqARzxWtm8[/youtube:3qcw8kfx] Video link if above dont work Another video http://useruploads.mythica.org/view/Modding_Video.mpg.html Some questions answered by the creator of this video Monkey wanted me to come here to answer any questions about XeNoN7 and my mods. We worked together on this project though do not expect much info. I can tell you right now that this takes extensive moding of a stock xbox360. I am lllsondowlll from youtube. XeNoN7 and I released our videos at the same time. XeNoN7 and I have worked on an application unlike engeneer that will allow extreme moding in halo 3 to be possible any questions related to halo 3 mods I will answer at this time. The only safe word I can give you as of now is that there is someone currently working with a team to make a homebrew kernel for the xbox360. Though this is not really the method we used. It will work the same. This was not done with a devkit, per-say. I once was a supporter of (non-cheating) LIVE moding but as of now I have come to realize that live moding will eventually lead to cheating. It is possible for a certain 360 such as this to access live. However no further testing has actually been conducted in the testing of loading halo 3 on xbox live with the mods. Though if you can access live with this method then I'm sure you can access halo 3, which we want to avoid. Thus waiting for a homebrew kernel to come out would be the best course of action for all of us as when that time comes it will use a lower kernel build to run which in tern will make xbox live non accessible unless updated. Any other questions? Its getting late here and I'm only going to be doing this tonight. Maybe I will stay on one more hour. I'm doing this for purpose of eliminated speculation this way not to mislead. Your free to ask questions. Thats why I am here. this way people don't get confused and spread really bad rumors. I really doubt anthony would say anything like that maybe you misheard him. Anthony only knows of kornman's Devkit moding which is not possible to access live. A modded firmware will not get you anywhere. The path XeNoN7 and I have chosen for moding is using extensive hardware resources to build apon a stock xbox360 No infectus chip. permanent hardware was used. And the video quality is due to me using my old capture card do to failure of my newer one. The quality gets better near the warthog banchee hybrid due to the fact I used a better codec, divex. strictly hardware to obtain this level of custom code. I will say this, it is a hybrid console. A live enabled box? Well hypothetically speaking yes. only because, a downgraded kernel will most likely be the basecode of a homebrew kernel which I heard they are working on. If this is so. Your xbox will be live enabled but will not be able to play live. with infectus chip you can dual boot kernels so you could switch between custom and updated I suppose :-/. This is all in theory though. Well since nobody seems to have anymore questions I'm closing this down. Hope I answered every one of your questions and I hope that you will be looking forward to moding in the future when ever homebrew is enabled for the xbox360. Till then just know, Its possible. Just think about how well of a online community we would have if I did tell. Also I told you pretty much everything already. I'm just not going to tell you how to do it yourself because then everyone will mod their 360's this way and then turn xbox live into an unstoppable **** fest thats 50$ a year. No thanks. If it means you guys need to wait a couple of months to a year to mod rather then destroying xbox live then Its worth it. There was no disk's involved and this wasn't modded on a devkit persay. Like I said this is a hybrid console. If you actually watched my movie it will explain all of this. Information on how this will be done will NOT be released. A custom kernel is expected for release within this year, though this is debatable. What I can tell you is, is that this is a xbox360 upgraded with extra parts. There isn't anything to do with a modchip in this process. Just wait this year and maybe we will all have homebrew. Also you may be trustable but that doesn't mean others would be. Others would use this to exploit xbox live in modification in games without use of a backup disk thus evading any protection xbox live has against piracy and cheating. This method will NOT be publicized by XeNoN7 or I. However XeNoN7 will be releasing plugins we used for the moding program we have worked on (more of XeNoN7's work I should say) it will be released at halomods.com.
360 game updates. Origianl xbox games are different
YO! Blacklabelfoshow !! Havent seen you on for a while. How's it been?
I joined modding sites to intent to mod halo 2 and any future halo games. I'm also a offline/custom modder. And i have never been banned for modding that prooves that i dont cheat to win (not saying i havent tried it lol...Gatte love BTB). Anyway i will disagree with you peach, for once . I see you're point though but im getting bored of halo 3 and i want something new.
yep lol, and they decided not to share.
nah im not leaving i just wont be modding halo 2 that much anymore
lol yeah random title...anyway. I will be finishing my map pack but only in BETA form and I also lost some mods because its been a long since i modded halo 2. I wont bother with the mainmenu either. Also this is not a map pack of really great maps this is just every single mod that i made excluding requested mods. So this includes my first one ascention all the way to one of the last ones on containment. I will also try my very hardest making one last and best mod that i could possibly make (no not a cheating one lol) and i will put all my effort into it. So it will have some major BSP mods, weapon mods, vehicle mods, bipd mods, scenery mods, skins and maybe A.I. I just wanted to point out that I will really try and make this last mod as good as i can so it will take a while prob about 2 weeks. I will post updates as I go along. Comments are greatly appreciated so i know some people will atleast look at it. Thank you and for the people that dont know me yet, i have been a member for long time lolz (near the birth of ibotmodz).
~CLOSED~ Tested and confirmed NOT working. Even if you did mange to open the image the containers would change and make the demo corrupted and you would fail to load your map pack.
Its just a new BSP based on waterworks since it has a really big BSP making a BSP on this map is a good logical joice
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