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Everything posted by nielsss

  1. Ive been working hard on modded gametypes, i did a couple of interesting things..Check my fileshare for a gametpye called "modded slayer" see if you can see what is changed
  2. Lol yeah that was funny
  3. Blacklabel, H3 Pyro and I have been working on that aswell as slayer varients. We are also going to start on trying to find out how images work... This was our theory... Since the anti air wraith turret is in the actual map file (riverworld aka valhalla) it is possible to spawn the turret on its own but not the actuall wraith bit attached to it. The wraith is actually two different objects one being the wraith itself and the other being the turret (it's actually 3 parts if you count the infantry turret). Now we thought that if you spawn a normal wraith then look for the ident of the normal wraith turret then swap it with the anit air turret thus making them connected or linked..But we couldnt find the HEX value of the wraith turret. The anti air wraith is actually non existing its just a normal wraith with a different turret.
  4. Im going to be releasing all of these. [youtube:10p6s20d]6oS-vDMf2vU[/youtube:10p6s20d] Thanks to sweeney for recording Oh and Flooded Foundry V2 is done
  5. Damn forgot to put that in, well i'll also release the one with that on. This is what fixed in the map -Removed trip mines in water (they looked really weird because you could see them through the water) -Added floating gates (Should be cool..it should be cool to jump from one to another over the water) -Lowered water level a little so you can't actually go under the water (When you go under it looks like there is no water att all making it look very "glitchy") -Removed pointless anti-air wraith turrets (they werent useable and they dont even open) -Moved clones and Turrets into the two small rooms -Removed the non-solid fans
  6. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16907-585.jpg Im just fixing a couple of things on the map then ill release it
  7. I was talking to shadow on xbl yeterday and I asked him why dont you just release the con signer? He had a few valid reasons why; 1. A con signer will allow people to mod any Live conatainer meaning that they can edit their gamertag name to some racist term or swear word, it will also allow you to edit your ammount of MS points making the market place free (that would be seriously bad for ms) 2. With a con signer you have the ability to sign halo 3 screenshots, you could upload any image... 3. He hates the community (i dont think that's a valid enough answer but w/e) Uh thats all i can remember..
  8. nielsss


    Cant wait till peaches sees this
  9. nielsss


    iBotPeaches http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16286-610.jpg
  10. The main reason i think leaking is bad because for example, the reason i dont release my mods that quick is because the person who signs for me might get in crap if "some" people found out that he was signing. And then i dont get any more mods resigned. When i get my own con signer i will start releasing mods and signing for people, maybe even think about making a "Request section" or just releas the con signer depending on how i got the con signer in the 1st place.
  11. Has 3 hornets and 3 banshee's and s*** loads of needler ammo Im too lazy to post pics and stuff cuz its like 3 am where I live Download it http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=35882882
  12. It was the pit =]
  13. The mod will be signed in six hours (from when this post was posted)
  14. Nopes, blackout hasnt got a pelican
  15. New mod im making, should be released before Guardian V2 F4D4135E - crate - warthog E49E0328 done F0360EC0 - shotgun - troop turret E82D06B7 done F0830F0D - SMG - chaingun turret E53B03C5 done EFAF0E39 - battle rifle - gausse turret E76905F3 done E9DC0866 - goose - Pelican E31901A3 done E914079E - ghost - Hornet E32D01B7 done F3FD1287 - fire bomb - Monitor FEC81CF5 done EB7009FA - spikenade - MasterChief FC0D1A3A done EAE90973 - frag nade - dead bird F83E16C8 done EA7C0906 - plasma nade - camera E87F0709 done F1200FAA - spike rifle - flag F6761500 done EE110C9B - plasma pistel - bomb F6AA1534 done EFE80E72 - plasma rifle - needler ammo EDD40C5E done F1C4104E - laser - rocket ammo F17E1008 done ECD30B5D - magnum - sniper ammo F0F00F7A done F5A1142B - pallet - shooty thing F34711D1 done F56813F2 - bar short - cyber monitor E491031B done F53313BD - locker - Office table E22500AF done E21A00A4 - spawn points - elites FDB71BE4 done Guess what map
  16. Get for some reason it got moved to slot 2
  17. I added a pic and a link Here a sneak preview of V2 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15848-644.jpg
  18. FAQ (Blue questions by bungie.net members, red answer by bungie.net moderator Posted by: Spacelessgeorge My question is who is it really hurting>? Not me ..or anyone..did it make you bleed? no....its not hurting anyone..so lighting up..be happy relax Microsoft and Bungie do not condone the discussion of modifying their console hardware or software. For that reason, we moderators have been asked to prohibit modification discussions. Let me ask you this -- who is it hurting for you to not be able to discuss modified content here? Nobody. Since Bungie makes the rules about what can be discussed on its own site, you have no room to complain. Posted by: Wazilla Do people still get banned for obtaining these files from people's file shares? Is it a bannable offense just having them on the HDD? No, but any attempt to bring them into Matchmaking will obviously result in a massive ban on you and your XBox 360. Posted by: SpoonHunter420 when you say "Post" do you mean simply uploading it to our file share or do you mean actually starting a thread after you upload it into your file share? can we get banned for uploading it into our fileshare without starting a topic about it afterwards so it doesnt get advertised? am i making any sense? i hope so... I mean actually starting a thread on the public forums. Simply having the map in your fileshare is not something that the Bungie.net moderators are concerned with at this time. Posted by: TKW Pure Ownage Ok so it's safe to have these, but if you bring them online, you're banned? At this time, bans for modified maps are only for attempting to bring them into Matchmaking. Bungie has not yet prohibited their use in custom games over XBox Live, although they may do so at some point in the future. Please feel free to send a Private Message ("PM") to any forum admin or moderator with any further questions. Source: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20979137
  19. nielsss

    New stuff

    Vey Very nice sigs, I really like those. Nice improvement on your other ones. Keep up the good work.
  20. @#%$ you mfone
  21. Cool, so is your dad making one?
  22. superaison, check ur pm's
  23. Peach post the video
  24. I will release a video 2moz, peach if you're reading this be online 2moz i need to you take a video of the mod with your capture card I wanne edit though
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