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Everything posted by nielsss

  1. Maybe you should check the date I posted this (Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:12 am), this was before it was spammed on bungie. Welcome to iBotModz
  2. ive sent u a friend request, i would like to see the valhalla one..you could put it on ur fileshare and rename it to something like mapmade2 or yeah something different than modzzzzzz otherwise everyone will download it
  3. its in the VIP section
  4. to delete trees or any other stuff simply go into Entity, BSP Viewer, Enable all tags, Click on what you want to delete, Press "Delete" on ur keyboard.
  5. Yeah i did that was weird...Prob just laaaaag
  6. woah didnt know u were still doing this, sweet =]
  7. The gamertag is Dr Lecter 69 Link to his fileshare http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...r%20Lecter%2069 The modded last resort one is called lastresortmap1 The modded Standoff one is called standmap1 DO NOT SPAM THESE MAPS EVERYWHERE otherwise they will get deleted sooo only for people of ibotmodz Most of all enjoy
  8. Ok the maps are on a good friend's fileshare, They have changed names.. The gamertag will be located in the VIP section in a topic called "The new halo 3 mods"
  9. @ Peachm, i can do anything but post @ DeathGrip, Modz all the way lol
  10. Operation Cancelled due to Blacklisting! You were blacklisted by Sir Fragula on 3/16/2008 at 4:03 PM for the reason listed below. Please, don't ask how to modify Halo 3. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx ... plies=true This ban will expire on 3/19/2008 at 4:03 PM. Please refrain from further violations, or you will be permanently blacklisted from this area of the site. If you wish to complain about being blacklisted from the public forums, please abide by the following rules: 1. Don't ask us to overrule a moderator. We'll believe them over you every time. 2. Don't ask us to shorten a 7 day ban. You did something bad, live with the consequences, and move on. We only allow appeals for permanent bans. 3. Assuming you read the first two rules, and still think you have been wronged, don't forget to include your login name and a description of why you are right and the moderator who banned you is wrong. 4. Because it bears repeating - don't whine about temporary (less than seven days) bans. We're not going to help you, that's why we have moderators. If you have encountered this message in error, please report this issue to bnetbugs@bungie.com. Include the day and time (include your timezone), your Bungie.net user name, what you were doing at the time, and what you expected to happen instead of this error message. We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope to have your issue resolved as soon as possible. ---------------------- Thats the reason? "Please, don't ask how to modify Halo 3." Hahahah, I posted a picture of a modded pit map that wasnt even mine and aksed how it was done..That doesnt mean I asked how to mod halo 3. Lol lame forum ninjas.
  11. Soz i would go on now but i cant..well not right now i might be able to later 2day. in about 3 to 4 hours
  12. Wooo i got my hands on two more new mods! I got the one on standoff and a new one on zanzibar (it rocks ass, best one of all) I will be giving this to people i know but it aint going on my fileshare. Oh fattwam if you are reading this, Lets take a video of these with ur capture card =]
  13. Yeah i was messing around with the appearance and then the game started lol
  14. Here's the story, I was playing Rocket Race one day when this suddenly happend to my advantage... [youtube:3rzpmu8h]dQKa9QcRYvY[/youtube:3rzpmu8h]
  15. Thanks deathgrip I have just added something pretty cool, try searching for something =] EDIT: Hmmm seems to change the URL, i changed it back but im trying to get the theme to work again.
  16. It get's around the school website banning system, notice when u search for something the url doesnt change
  17. This is an extreamly simple site that I made for ibotmodz, i made it when i was bored in school and had nothing better to do. So if you want to check it out here is the link www.ibotgoogle.co.nr
  18. He isnt lying this is one of the other infamous leaks..This one is a little harder to find, i have been looking for this one. There is also another one on vallhala but that one is even harder to get.
  19. Peach thats what im doing now
  20. Here's a pic of the 7 elephants http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8297-619.jpg This is also available in my gallery on bungie account (nox13666)
  21. haha lol, welcome back
  22. Ok this kid isnt lying....omfg this s*** is real...yes you heard it of me
  23. yeah what snowmon said is correct. Thanks for accepting my invite.
  24. Ive send him and friend request and he accepted it but he aint communicating with me in any way...
  25. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8119-634.jpg Uhm?
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