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Everything posted by Jeehs

  1. Thanks for letting me know! Morse code was useful in tricking my freind....lol
  2. It wouldnt be this way if Slipstream didn't make it this way. SLIPSREAM U ******************************************************************************** ************************************.
  3. Smokiest, did u like my story? I know it's kinda cheesy but Im not a storywriter. I'm a 13 year-old with a obession of guns,explosives. sadly, I must go, I hope ur here again, but if ur not. I understand ur choice. Goodbye.
  4. Ok, SMOKIEST PLEASE DONT LEAVE US WITH SLIP! I'll go all Martin Luther King on u! I Have a dream, this dream is a beautiful dream. In this dream an Australian knight in shining armor, and a evil, cruel, being, one that calls it's self Slipstream. But this Slipstream is one of Darkness, one who's regin on a community is only growing stronger as this wonderful knight nears his encampment in settler, fertiller places. But without this knight the community would have perished long ago. The Darkness grows, the community fears that without the knight it shall perish. The mayor of the community has no idea wat to do as the darkness approaches and the knight lays his sword and armor to rest, and his boots up to hang. Shall the knight come to save the community or shall it perish along with the knight? Only time will tell. Many pray that the knight will return but few have true hope. Smokiest, I have written this story for u. It shows wat I think of u, Which is much more than a stroy will reveal, Ur the knight. Choose ur path but know that honor awits u on each road, and so does my eternal respect. ur freind, Jeehs
  5. Heck, Even if Peachez does, That person will never replace Smokiest. He's so nice. A nice that I beleive doesnot exist in this new generation of modders. Even I dont possess it.
  6. Hope Peachez make another sub-admin, If were stuck with slip Im leaving
  7. Hmmmm, Never would have guessed.....Really....
  8. I'm sad to see u go, u and Curtis are my Favorite staff. But as u said, this cannot be ours forever. Eventually we must move on, and hope that we leave behind a coummuinty in which our work has not been wasted. It will be very sad to see u go, But ur duty is to pursue happiess, and hope to leave behind a legaicy, which u have.
  9. Does this work with all 360's? Elites,Pro,Normal,Arcade..Etc
  10. Yeah, but if they have a lace to argue why go scream at people where u will get bant for flaming? Theyed just make a post on how they feel. in the arguements section
  11. Yeah, I've been wanting to suggest it but didnt know where to suggest at. any ways, Heck I was thinking just make it a section, With sub-sections for games like, Halo, Cods, Research and then off-topic
  12. Yep, Just because u own a modding website. If they told me that I would ask, "What does that have to do with this?". Bungie has become such a huge asshalo over the last few years...
  13. No arguement here, I already showed another example in "Shamwow That Hoe"-
  14. The voice killed my ears, U need to record the voices on a computer. I watched the first... um... when it sshowed "T-pain" then I stopped.
  15. Alots Bad about Obama, (Anti-Christ0
  16. Jeehs


    Nah I just like typing big words... Mostly that I dont understand....jk
  17. Jeehs


    Is that supposed to be funny? or maybe show how some homosapiens have't fully developed a brain.
  18. Doiturself.bind
  19. Dang! Wats that a week and 1/2 little more. Mine still take 3 weeks, , Good to hear ur getting ur xbobx back ( Evev though I Dont know u),
  20. Jeehs

    I am Epsilon

    U R a Noob. PERIOD!
  21. Which one pc, or Xbox. I do Xbox, Just practice mods but
  22. I know Last time I had a "girlfreind", In here mind we were Girlfreind and Boy freind, She became an asshalo
  23. Jeehs

    Recon Armor

    I havent been telling him that for like 2 pages already.... But thanks for agreeing!
  24. I went to, Venomous Fire, Physco Homer, Azzid Reign, saynia or something.... um, a couple normal members and posted a topic in debate section.
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