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Everything posted by Jeehs

  1. Jeehs

    RedNeck prophecy

    No I thinks it's Multi-Cultural....
  2. I was just actually searching through a campiagn save I have and I just found 2 different Photoshop proflies.... I doubt this will help but I thought it might be useful somehow, so here's my pics. and here's the next. I think the first one is the video, I think the second is the intro to the level... but thats just my guess.
  3. Well, The flood seemed to die slower.... And it didnt *** up my xbox, so....
  4. Jeehs

    RedNeck prophecy

    I know the word for it I just cant think of it...
  5. Jeehs

    RedNeck prophecy

    No sh1t, He's multi-Backgroundual
  6. Jeehs

    RedNeck prophecy

    lol, no one wants to talk about this because they fear being racist.
  7. It's not urs, U know it I know it.
  8. Jeehs

    Fav type of MuSic?

    I missed alot so...
  9. She= Ass-end ugly.
  10. I saw that coming..... U guys are lucky in ur pics, In mine I look like Im fricken Meditating..... I was un-councious...
  11. I would too, I <3 u Quinn, (IN A NON-GAY WAY)
  12. It was said that a Black man would be President when piggs fly. 100Days into Obama's Presidentcy, SWINE FLU!
  13. um.... Which 1 would u choose? 1. .410-slug, 2. .12 gauge slug, 3. Run over and give the zombie QUInn a hugg...
  14. lol, * The guy looks over cover and fihures out that his enemy ran away 12days ago*
  15. Hell If I know, I went somewhere and put " Give meh teh hornets BASTARDS!"
  16. use this to get reconz.....ReCON_Unlocker_v1.00.tar Have fun!
  17. I think Quinn is going mad! Maybe Quinn has SWINE FLU! NO QUINN!
  18. SH1T! *Guy dives out of chair for cover* QUinnzo has a ***ing flamethrower. *Guys sighs and looks at his guns, A pistol, A rilfe and his B1TCH Of a wife who can be thrown at the enemy to make them go home*.
  19. U know wat sucks the most? The hot girl I like ( I think she likes me) , Im moving to another ***ing state so there goes that...
  20. I already explained weekdays in the topic about it
  21. Funny Quinnzo...
  22. lol, this tread has turned from something to a , FLAME FEST!
  23. Thats an admission there little kitties! Lol, dont ask...
  24. Well, I dont think 13 yearolds can have jobs so... IM ***ED! Hey guys I got an extra pistol, anyone want it to fight the swine flu with me?
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