Lol, I van't go to 7S, From Physco Homer-"You have been banned for the following reason: Love you Date the ban will be lifted: Never". Lol, WTF! LOVE YOU?
I'm not a Hitler, Im just stating that if ur whining/Flaming/spamming, Ur likely to get suspended or bant. I'm justing saying "Everyone crys about slipstream, I used too, But if u dont like wat he's doing then don't make a mean post or topic about it". I did it and it got me nowhere. All it does is make more Flaming which hurts the commuinty, Then Slip comes and bans/Suspends the people. and then they whine more, ( Repeat untill Golden-Brown and crispy).
Sadface. I know I haven't exactly been an angel (No REALLY?). But I learned one thing from Slip suspending me, ( Thanks for the early let off). If u have a problem don't scream about it here, 95% chance it didnt start here. Also if it did start here (Espically with staff) Don't go being a idiot and posting something u'll later regret. And dont put anything that flames members, or this site. ( This post was inspired by DSS, Suprising isn't?)