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Everything posted by Jeehs

  1. Jeehs

    Fav type of MuSic?

    LOL, WTF is wrong with you? Did your mother drop you on your head as a child?!? SCREAMO?!?!?! U need mental help, Really....
  2. I'm using the same Operating system as you Chosen. I've never had any problems...
  3. U shouldnt Judge someone over teh internet...>lol jk Here's a pic!
  4. Lol, I van't go to 7S, From Physco Homer-"You have been banned for the following reason: Love you Date the ban will be lifted: Never". Lol, WTF! LOVE YOU?
  5. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    I know if Mexico's so great whys 99% of their workforce here, IN THE USA!
  6. Epsilon wasnt here for that quote Quinn, He just got un-banhammered.
  7. . it doesnt work for me. 0:(0
  8. Lol, my screenshot, I named that one "eye of the tiger!" XD. This helps cause Im to lazt to go to Bungie.net
  9. Jeehs

    Fav type of MuSic?

    Here's my fav war song Cannot Be Displayed
  10. Jeehs

    New Staff

    Promoted_to_GM.bmp Fatal, Yunbol. This is urs Promoted_to_GM.bmp
  11. Jeehs

    New Staff

    Peaches, I like the chooices u made. Espically Keeping Dark a Sub-Admin. Since he bant me for flaming I learned ALOT. So yeah people grow up.
  12. Jeehs

    Fav type of MuSic?

    Well, my fav is rock I also listen to Metal, Hard rock and Heavy metal Jeehsus Sparggy! WTF IS WRONG WITH U?!?!?!?!
  13. Jeehs

    Fav type of MuSic?

    Mine's ROCK!!! Fav song Cannot Be Displayed
  14. I messed with some code, wanna see if it made a difference...
  15. Why do u all hate Slip so much ( I used to but lost all point)
  16. Jeehs

    iBotnet virus

    - XD
  17. I know but alot of people whine and make topics ( I did once). If u dont then this doesnt apply to u does it?
  18. I'm not a Hitler, Im just stating that if ur whining/Flaming/spamming, Ur likely to get suspended or bant. I'm justing saying "Everyone crys about slipstream, I used too, But if u dont like wat he's doing then don't make a mean post or topic about it". I did it and it got me nowhere. All it does is make more Flaming which hurts the commuinty, Then Slip comes and bans/Suspends the people. and then they whine more, ( Repeat untill Golden-Brown and crispy).
  19. Sadface. I know I haven't exactly been an angel (No REALLY?). But I learned one thing from Slip suspending me, ( Thanks for the early let off). If u have a problem don't scream about it here, 95% chance it didnt start here. Also if it did start here (Espically with staff) Don't go being a idiot and posting something u'll later regret. And dont put anything that flames members, or this site. ( This post was inspired by DSS, Suprising isn't?)
  20. Jeehs

    iBotnet virus

    xD, suck it macs, Dell to the future!
  21. Jeehs


  22. Why are we letting that fagg ruin this tread. Hes a Fagg. So lets Talk about Smokiest.
  23. Jeehs


    Pics updated
  24. Jeehs


    Wat were ur reasons? I'm a good freind want to know, (a good-freind is someone u know offline)
  25. If Slip's makin' a lot of people leave then why doesn't someone...u know..... . Good always loses to bad ass hole like that..
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