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Everything posted by Jeehs

  1. Welcome to the site, *Standard bullcrap...*-(u know u dont want to hear it)..., Yeah so ask if u need help, Korrupt Data is a good person to assist u if u need so are any of the Admins, People try to be helpful and HI!!!!!!!!!!!! (Peaceout!)
  2. Jeehs


    Name one, - Cassie
  3. I dont post viruses, iBotModz is all I have left, Should have planted one at 7S...
  4. Jeehs

    Favorite song

    Some of u really scare me.... *Sparggy*
  5. Jeehs


    Franklin! No um...- iBotPuppy
  6. Jeehs

    Favorite song

    Dam! Legacy... How many favortie songs do u have?
  8. Jeehs

    Favorite song

    Embed a video of ur favorite song. ROCK FTW! Here's mine- Cannot Be Displayed
  9. WTF is the difference between "scene" and "EMO"? I dont see a difference...
  10. Damn! Emo's and Scene, WTF IS THE DIFFENECE? U both were shity make up both have emotinal problems both are ass ugly! RedNeck FTW!
  11. If ur emo they're hot.....
  12. Emo- EW!!!!
  13. I still love u and Quinn and Curtis in a non-gay way...
  14. Thats wat his cover is....
  15. Oxidum, Wtf was the point of that?
  16. Random's Desparate, that or looking for cover...... Or he's emo... or he...nvm
  17. Do i wanna know? or just keep scrolling by?
  18. Read, it helps...
  19. Jeehs

    Fav type of MuSic?

    WTF is wrong with u people? SCREAMO? Did ur mother drop u on ur head as a child? Maybe even smoke pot during ur pergenatecy?
  20. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Dude there's case here in FL. 2 in Broadward County, so far anyways.... 15 people are being tested for possible cases.
  21. Justrec, I understand where ur coming from with ur " " But I cant speak mime over teh internet, How the frick u can I dont understand...
  22. Jeehs

    RedNeck prophecy

    Pretty much, I guess it means ur parents were color blind....
  23. Hey, I siad I found it and didnt know if it would help. Apperantly it didnt.
  24. Lol, My mom put that there. And it's a monkey.... Dude, Winter Break and Chrismas sucked ass. We got a new trampoline for christmas, I couldnt use it for 2 months, It sucked. I had to **** in a jug, I couldnt get up to get a drink... My life sucked for 4 weeks...
  25. Jeehs

    RedNeck prophecy

    I got it "Multi-National!
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