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Everything posted by Jeehs

  1. Lol, Buddah- who has no "real" freinds is trying to hide the fact that he has none. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
  2. Lol, One of the 3 "OH! SH1T SPOTS", - Nuts, Ass and a cetain spot were I had surguery... My freind that I tagged in the ass, He's kinda skinny so it hurt like a b1tch! A FacePlant is when u go face first into the ground
  3. DEE< ARE U RETARDED? Curtis was a great GM. When u leave I'll say wat u said here.
  4. No kidding, There's another kid, Timmy. He's fat, have a small mustache and have the voice of a 4 year old...
  5. Not I would win.... I always win loser comps! Well, I guess thats not a good thiing but...
  6. Poor Egypt, There just digging there own graves... All their needs comes from pig, no more pig = no more Egpyt
  7. So, In my science class there's a 13 yearold with a beard... His voice is such a soft/high pitch, ITS ***ING WERID!
  8. Jeehs

    Fav type of MuSic?

    Well, I guess if u dont like Rock or metal no.
  9. It's a guy pulling a faceplant... I just got home, I got tagged once on my Left arm like 1/2 and inch From the elbow. I tagged my freind in his Head and then the cornner of his ass!
  10. MY DAY IS 1337! I'm going to my freinds B-Day, Playing paintball and um..... IDK wat else... But my week days suck.... 1. A fat chic likes me 2. I have to get out of bed at 7am 3. There hot girls in my class but I'm sorta the "Lazy" kid, ( While I'm not actually lazy I have a reputation around school for being lazy...) 4. I Have to go to school, 5. I LOVE U!!!
  11. My freinds B-Day was Yesterday, But he's haveing his B-day party today. He's having a paintball party. Last time I played paintball one of my freinds was running for cover, And he got tagged in the ASS AND DID A FACE PALNT! 0 | \/ /\ ----> | ________ 0____________, lolololol
  12. Good thing I still have a box of .41o shells......
  13. - Better yet.....
  14. Jeehs

    Fav type of MuSic?

    Any of you guys here Audiophiles? or you just like music, Like me!
  15. Vengeance, Are u reading any of the posts? " DSS Si half the reason i'm leaving".
  16. Anotherone bites the DARK! *Dun dun dun* Anotherone bites the DARK! And anotherone does and anotherone does and anotherone bites DARK! , I wish this was happy not sadface... Bye Curtis, I still love (in a non-gay way), And own ur left nut.....
  17. We'll Celebrate it if u stay
  18. Yeah rly.... And at least he was a fun staff, (No Affence DSS, But DSS is a boring by the book guy) Atleast Curtis wasnt.
  19. Peaches Should make him a Global again, He was active
  20. I have several, Hope u dont mind.. The a funny vid pole.wmv
  21. Comeone CUrtis, U know u cant leave now that KhaosMaster's ur kid... Or does that make u wanna leave now?
  22. CURTIS! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! MY two favorite staff are LEAVING! THIS IS BULLSHITIE! Please CURTIS! If it makes u feel better U and Quinnzo made the Dargon/Egg that R Khaos master! UR THe MALE TOOO!
  23. So... U want me to read that whole wall of text? jk SO ur gonna give IBM $1,000 if they make a "SUPERAIO"?
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