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Everything posted by Jeehs

  1. I thought the Campain was OK, Did not like the flood lvls. But I love skimerish, The cut scenes are amazing. One question I had was-" If this happened before halo 1, where the crap was all the Grizzlys, hornets, Guass warthhogs, ECT?
  2. I acctually kinda like halo wars. Most people will call u a "******" if u say that. (At my school u would be called"Homosexual" or "A complete total ********"<-who would come up with such a weird word? Wats ur opinion on it???
  3. Do the marines help when up there or do u have to push them?
  4. Sadly not..
  5. Seriously, u guys are gonna start WWIII over a golden clan tag? When i beame a modder i thought I would help make games funner... Not scream at the top of my lungs or start wars over dumb games...
  6. Sorry double post
  7. It is kinda weird but.. It's kinda funny..
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