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Everything posted by Jeehs

  1. Jeehs

    It was fun.

    Dear iBotModz goers, It has been a while since I've even brought this site to mind. Even though I may not have left this site in the best of ways, (Hint War with Dark Slipstream), we had some memorable times. Such as, anyone remember, "ALL U COMP R BELONG TO EPSILON," or hell even me mistakenly calling T3A an "Asian Asshalo"? What about the "Wanted" pictures? Even though I took some crap from the staff it was yet another instance where we forgot about modding for a minute and just had some fun. Even though modding is what originally brought this unruly bunch togather, we each at the end of the day, took home our own deeper sense of meaning from this site. We all had our place amongst each other here. Whether it was a ney guy in his learning period or Spargy smarting off to someone in the Chatbox, we all knew our places. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that this site was civil, we had everything from serious talks about religion and politics to the occasional guy freaking about zombies or wanting a flying warthog in Halo 3. Regardless of how this site slowly began to dwindle away into nothing, I believe that everyone gained something from this wonderful community of Modders, Jokers, Noobs, Idiots and just plain asshalos. I personally enjoyed the short time in which I roamed this site and hope everyone else did also. It's a shame to see this site go, R.I.P iBotModz.net Sincerely, Jeehs
  2. Jeehs

    Paintball Tank

    No kidding! Replace paintballs with real bullets and go hunting...
  3. I thought I did enough, I'm gonna need to sep-up on my game...
  4. Jeehs

    Paintball Tank

    Cannot Be Displayed Dude doesnt that look like a clip from a movie? Besides the fact there paintball guns...
  5. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Still is ENGLISH, U guys are dumber than u look arent u
  6. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    wow thats great it's till ENGLISH
  7. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Ur cool! U can translate english TO ENGLISH!
  8. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    NAH,Language Arts is for riting stories not, no teaching u to be an ass hole, that comes naturally.
  9. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Hi Ms. Schlamp!
  10. DOesnt work on 360, Me and Epsilon tryed
  11. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Forget proper grammar, wat are u my Language arts teacher?
  12. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Do u read posts in topics? or do u just look at the pictures? At this point I'm not kidding. I Get told crap like that all the time. . If u read wat I wrote U'd understand wat I'm saying. And Melo about ur "Final warning", Go ahead ban me for Being an Asswhole back, Im only one if u want me to be one.
  13. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    lol, Judging someone over the internet I see? Espically someone u dont know, My conculsion is gathered from evidence in Cbox and in posts so ah..... *UP UR ASSHALO!* Ecuse me.
  14. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

  15. I love it more, becasue i'll hit someone and myself but wont live for the meadal
  16. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Melo the #1 asswhole is trying to be nice! Holy SH1t!
  17. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Who cares how many die in Mexico, 1 dies and 6 more takes his place.
  18. Ur so nice slip, he could have psted in off-topic, it doesnt go to post count, (Or else i would have like 500)
  19. Jeehs

    Favorite song

    Dont give me that crap... I remeber it.. Cannot Be Displayed
  20. I <3 the bob cat, obviously stuffed tHOUGH
  21. Jeehs

    Damn Mexico

    Mexico ***ed us over in "Nafta", (North American Free Trade Agreement)
  22. Jeehs

    Favorite song

    Who doesn't?
  23. Justrec, In ur first joke u killed me....
  24. Here's better ones... Do_u_like_to_shoot_my_brother_now.bmp Good_thiing_it_wasnt_armed.bmp How_the....bmp Monster_Dump_truck.bmp No_lugg_nuts.bmp Though_it_would_go_the_other_way.bmp Told_u_we_had_a_2_car_garage.bmp True_alcohol_abuse.bmp Umm__Boss....we_have_a_problem.bmp Wasn__t_there_water_here.bmp Wat_u_dont_wanna_see_on_monday.bmp
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