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Everything posted by MFone

  1. MFone


    No what. I am HONESTLY about to leave ibotmodz do to people always being discouraging and not believing in anything.
  2. Guys we made this map 100% we have are getting a resigner. We got that one resigned by (someone) but yeah we made it by our selves. Yes you can pick up the rocket ammo.
  3. MFone


    We made our first mod. There are you happy. Know stop saying we can't mod. Link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95fHwcpT ... efault.asp
  4. Ok this is for everyone who doubted us. This map was made by, Dakhaosguy024, MFone, Devong32, Ikillyou52, and the rest of Gold Star Mods http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95fHwcpTnTA...net/default.asp
  5. MFone


    dude I dont care, I really don't if you want to go get the mods from ambio then do it. no one is stoping you. anyways i just got the sandtrap w/ 20 elephants but since ur guys are being a**holes i don't think im gonna release it.
  6. MFone


    No, i don't think that ANYONE outside of the original GSMods should have these maps. I don't want people taking credit for the stuff that took us longer than HE** to make, resign, and get.
  7. so where is a link to the videos of the maps that you just said? Also if sligstorm is such a fake then why does he have a resigner? I wanna know. IDK if you don't like him, i don't wanna see another post saying that he is a fake. Please close this topic
  8. Removed This is the link to the following programs. Hex Editor Winrar Forge PC Explorer 360
  9. MFone


    Ok the reason that we don't have a resigner yet is because a guy that was giving it to us c/p broke. Then he sent us a picture using his 360 camera thing of the program that he is sending us. Also we have 3 people that are going to be resigning a map but i can't say who.
  10. MFone

    Narrows Mod

    i know about a new mod that noone knows about
  11. MFone


    actually justrec the thing that made me mad was how everyone (mainly you) keep doubting us. Listen we already made maps that havn't been resigned. We are getting them resigned soon. 3 of them actually. The Pit- has 2 pelicans, 2 hornets,2 troop hogs, 2 normal hogs, needler ammo, sniper ammo, rocket ammo, and some clones and flame coming up from the ground(Playable w/ weapons on map) Gaurdian- 6 shade turrets, flames coming up from the ground and some clones(Playable w/ weapons on map) Rats Nest-Rocket ammo, 3 pelicans, sniper ammo, needler ammo, clones(Playable w/ weapons on map)
  12. MFone

    Narrows Mod

    Actually that isn't what happened. Shadow Lag just doesn't want people to know that sligstorm,quickkill,and Lt boso do have a resigner.
  13. what are you talking about?
  14. lol
  15. MFone


    This is why noone like Justr...never mind. I don't want to get banned for talking about other members.
  16. kinda of only a few people have it, but I and and few others have played it and i released a video to people.
  17. lol nice tut i think i should post that one under the tutorials section.
  18. MFone


    Ok, I know that a lot of you guys don't like him because he isn't releasing his maps but,..........I was playing with him yesterday and this is exactly what he said MFone: Hey Anthony whats up Anthony: Nothing much but why is that dakhaosguy024 guy talking S**t I don't even know him MFone: IDK I will invite him Anthony: Ok Dakhaosguy024 joined the game Dakhaosguy024 left the game Anthony: wow what a fagit why'd he leave MFone: IDK Dakhaosguy024 joined the game Game Over ok now this is the part were we all talk for about a hour........................................ Ok so now everyone is cool w/ each other and I ask Anthony MFone: hey Anthony why don't you release any of your cool maps like ones with shade turrets or pelicans Anthony:Because I don't want my 360 banned from live MFone:what? Anthony:Yes, Bungie and Xbox companies are both watching me MFone: so if they wern't watching you would you release more? Anthony: Im not going to say yes but I probly would have. ok i gtg but i will add the rest of the story after school
  19. i did it. <3
  20. IbotPeaches Ban him, you said that if someone bags on another member they shall be banned. Also fagspartin1177 at the end of the video it turns into ikillyou52, just face it your connection sucks and there fore you were laggy and it turned into a "ghost"
  21. ok everytime i try to change the page after being on here for about 5 mins. it says that the page is broke. Also where did the better background and chatbox go?
  22. I highly doubt that you have played that map before.
  23. 1st off you did not make that map. I have played that map many times before. Secondly their is no ghost, it is caused by when someone joins and then a laggy host sees them as a sliding character. At the end of the video after you go in blackscreen you can see that Ikillyou52 is the "ghost." Point made.
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