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Everything posted by MFone

  1. Baby ever since i first laid my eyes on you I thought you and me were gonna make it through I just want everything to get better So baby im writin you this letter I dont think i would be able last Knowing you left me in the past You dont know how much it kills me To know you want me to let you be You say you want me out of your life It feels like my hearts stabbed with a knife I know it seems like you dont care But i hope this is just a glare I stay up all night It doesnt feel right I miss you so much I miss your touch I want to be beside you again Just like we used to back when I dont want to let you walk out But i feel like its just about Its gonna be hard to move on But i guess its for the best if im gone So heres my good bye I never knew your love was a lie
  2. MFone Pronunciation- M Phone, MF1
  3. MFone

    Verizon Env2

    What can you do cool with this phone?
  4. SandBox 0/10 Orbital 0/10 Assembly 0/10 Im not good enough to get the maps so there for i have never seen them. and i stopped playing halo and xbox so i never will.
  5. MFone

    Who will win?

    Def. the cat. Go pu...cat!
  6. nevermind.
  7. wow, just wow.
  8. For Now and Forever If you only knew How much you meant to me I guess you'd know You mean everything to me Nothing can change The way I feel about you Sometimes i wake up Feeling lost inside Then i realize You aren't by my side I love you babe For now and forever I found out something Once you love someone You love them forever Thats how i feel about you And i love you so much I can never stop thinking about you Or your precious smile Sometimes i will start crying Just out of nowhere Because i miss you so much And i need you there You mean so much to me I want you in my arms Forever and ever Never letting go I love you babe You are my world Here to stay For now and forever
  9. I guess I should sign this thing. So here it goes. I am the one standing. http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/8555/0228091949.jpg http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/0228091949.jpg/1/w960.png
  10. Good thing that i am after yung. Already stated by him. And then umm yeah my gt is MFone
  11. Pics or its not real.
  12. Okay, so a few of my friends and I have started a band. We are working on T-Shirts and need some more ideas. We will post what we have so far. The band is called At The Skyline. Myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=195908234 Shirt 1 http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4922/atsshirt.th.jpg Shirt 2 http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/1577/atsshirt2.th.jpg Symbol 1 http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/5789/attheskyline.th.jpg Symbol 2 http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/3079/attheskyline2.th.jpg
  13. MFone

    HOLY s***

    I heard that this guy is pretty cool.
  14. MFone


    I agree i r teh ub3r racist against jews, i honestly think that EVERY single last one of them on the face of the earth should get launched into the sun!!!XD i also want to kno wat u r doin tonight...... im avalible, call me at 269-468-4748
  15. Can someone give me a tutorial, or a link to a tutorial? Thanks and sorry if this is a noobish question.
  16. Looks kinda stupid no offence,
  17. MFone

    [Requesting a Mod]

    Well I just successfully modded a xbox original. I have broke 4 other xbox's trying to SOFTMOD them. Now that I have did one successfully I wish not to brake it. So I just wanted someone to make a sppf thing for me so I could just put it over the .map.
  18. I just wanted to know if anyone can make me a map. If you can help please send me a PM. ~MFone
  19. MFone

    How to FTP

    So when following this, it says that I have to go to install softmod?
  20. Can anyone teach me how to use FlashFXP? I am trying once again to mod a xbox original. As some of you may know I have a bad past with those. I have previously broken 5 other xbox originals trying to soft mod. So can anyone please help me use this program. Thanks. ~MFone
  22. actually this is in the theater section.
  23. Happy B-Day Khaos.
  24. This is a server-sided resigner. Also it is a pre-pay resigner, meaning that you pay for it, then they get your money, then they will give it to you. So you just have to wait. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  25. MFone

    Cold storage

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