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Everything posted by MFone

  1. I think that's right. =/ The order is head, left arm, right arm, body.
  2. Actually you just have to change the body to 08 and that is flaming body
  3. Can anyone teach me the basics of how to mod films?
  4. No worries guys, I am not leaving. However I have requested a few things. I am not going to be in charge of the list, but I am going to recieve credit for the part that I have done. Also along with this I have asked IbotPeaches to find someone else to take control of this. Ok well I am not leaving, but as Ibotpeaches said + rep for me is a nice thing to do. ~MFone
  5. Should be moved to H3 Modding.
  6. i even have a video of the 45 minute forge film, if anyone wishes to see it. You'll see ME and ambi0 create the forge map, he xsata'd and hex edited, because he wanted his name (w/e). But overall, I made the water, House Gates, and Bushes. This is true.
  7. Well when you have so many people cussing at you and disrespecting you, of coures someone is gonna get mad when no one gets in trouble.
  8. Since I am the creator of this post. I want it locked and deleted. ~MFone
  9. You guys have just stole my work that I worked hard on and now it is only posted on 1 site. I am done with this site, thanks to The Eazy B, But I want this removed from this site. You guys have done nothing to help me with this so until you make your own. This cannot be posted.
  10. I think that the idea of having this system is a pretty good thing. Then you can't get vip for having post, but now you can actually show how people respect you.
  11. Hasn't this been out for a while?
  12. Just added Rats Nest (FM Race Track) Author- Link- http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39770006 More to be added today.
  13. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/22353-309.png
  14. This is a really cool pic. I downloaded it a while ago though.
  15. MFone

    Modding help

    Well to get your maps back to your Xbox 360 you need neither a resigner or a rehasher. To put them back on you need either Xport or Xsata. However to be able to play them you need to make the map, then Hex edit it, then rehash it, the resign it. ~MFone
  16. These things look BEAST. lol but they are tight looking.
  17. All I have to say is WHAT THE FU** IS WRONG WITH YOU?
  18. Yea I think that the emblem for the award should be in a heart shape, and has a train coming out of the middle
  19. lol nice wriath, noob. j/k
  20. I did not leak it, I got it from *****
  21. I think that there should be a love train award.
  22. BS you told me where to place the trip mines and I did. Don't lie.
  23. Hey Eazy I thought that this was a test map that we made.
  24. What new Pit one?
  25. Now theres so many more then back then. rofl copter
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