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Everything posted by MFone

  1. Look if you want some of these on there then they either have to be "RELEASED" or have been out for a while. I don't want it to look like this is a leaking site and give us a bad rep. So if you want maps posted then mail me the link in a pm.
  2. Move this please. It is not in the correct format.
  3. Edit 1.Added Modded Picture Section 2.Added Copyright Protection 3.Added Copyright to IbotModz, and XboxTampers.
  4. I used the main one so hopefully(wish me luck)
  5. On guardian, in the scenery tag, there is halogram_control_secondary main_halogram bridge_halogram guardian_halogram haloring_alpha Which one is that little galaxy thing that was on xTyler iz ill's map in the shotgun room?
  6. No, for every kind of item, you have to find the identifiers.
  7. Im sorry for not posting pictures. My camera broke so, if anybody wants to do so, please do. ~MFone
  8. umm no, your actually at 63 so umm they must not be stuck.
  9. Made by MFone
  10. Sure you don't, lol but umm if you want someone to help, count me in. Hey guess what your a VIP lol
  11. What lol that sucks but still funny. Sorry
  12. I can Haz Recon
  13. Yea, I guess he did the same with the 72 shade turret snowbound
  14. Why is this is in the modding section? It has nothing to do with that!
  15. He said that it wasn't as good, if you could read.
  16. I didn't leak it, I only played on it once, even though I had it for a while. But dakhaosguy024 and Kanadien Halo were the people who leaked it.
  17. MFone, n when is that movie trailer coming out?
  18. MFone


    That is because when you look at the picture, you see the character standing in the top middle of blackout. Then you see the Br tower behind him. The laser hits the top of the Br tower. =Not a Mod.
  19. This was not made by me.
  20. Wait who leaked it?
  21. I bet it would work better for you if all of those things haven't been leaked/released already.
  22. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18293-536.gif[br]Click here to feed me a Rare Candy![br]Get your own at Pokeplushies! Thanks for everyone that helps me. ~MFone
  23. Umm what one?
  24. Nice lol, I liked the part "just use your sisters" lol priceless.
  25. I would make a picture w/ recon tea-bagging a non-recon.
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