Do you want me to put these up here. And if so should I put Last Resort 3.0 under the Tripmine, and Atlantis under the 7th Coulum and who gets flooded Isolation?
Well ok I see your point but, I used to only play C**k of duty4 until halo 3 modding came in. Like alot of others. Bungie should be happy to have mods on halo 3 because everyone comes on to play them.
Hey shot I love how you are talking so much **** on ***** but then on live you act like you never said anything. Here are some things that I have known/found out. 1. You make crappy mods 2. You paid $50 for that crappy mod to be resigned 3. You said that you have made an AWESOME blackout, but I looked and you can't put anything good on blackout 4. You said that our clan was over before it started, but look our first mod will be better than your last mod. 5. Face it No One wants you here so you should just go back to ***** and talk more about me. Have a nice Day. ~MFone
This is what he sent. Hi, my name is jack, I dont make much of a presence here at *****, i usually stay in the shadows and keep quiet, partly because of lack of time(i work for symantec) and my family, and partly because i dont like alot of confrontation... It has come to my interest that you have claimed to mod, my friend I have a most interesting challenge for you then... I have in the past weeded out fakes from mccoys, and liars from prodigies, Its what I do. I have some extra $$$, I make enough so its my play money, haha. I am willing to "reward" you for your apparent genius, but only if it is true of course... If you are interested let me know, I dont wait around... You have 1 week to respond; Starting at the time this message was sent, tuesday may 13, on the hour of eight and fifty-eight minutes ... Who the He** is he? This is his ***** username- jJackxTh3xHaCkk