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Everything posted by MFone

  1. Its on my share and my post snowbound V1 is the real one
  2. Do not put this mod on this forum because shotspartin1177 can not mod
  3. not yet
  4. lol no u cant fly the pelican but yeah this weekend i might release the snowbound mod. idk though
  5. yea v2 is a glitch
  6. Highground Sandtrap Last Resort Valhalla v1 Valhalla v2 snowbound v1 snowbound v1.1 The pit v1 The pit v2 Standoff
  7. Hmm lets see nice post i sure wish i would have thought of something like that (notice how this thing looks retarded)
  8. Ok i have some modded maps that i would like videos of to put on youtube. but i cant record so if u can send MFone a message on live
  9. POST SOMEWHERE ELSE NOT IN THE MODDING SECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Well its not the creators giving them to me. Plus its not really that they care that people are giving them out, they get mad when other people say that they made them.
  11. I should be getting rats nest and the pit(the one w/ the pelican) anywhere from tonight to this weekend.
  12. honestly are u f-ing retarded? Its not EVER supposed to come out, so quit askin about stuff like "Will u play with me on halo 3?" in the modding section. Go to the chat board or sumthin if u want that.
  13. i mean it is possible, because he did show me some pretty cool maps that arn't released yet, so he might be but idk.
  14. Close this Please i already posted the link and vid to the Halo 3 UTD mods section
  15. ur friends list is full
  16. No u cant fly the pelican, but u can get inside it.
  17. I heard that Anth0ny562 is making a resigner just for halo 3
  18. I do know that Anth0ny562 and The3 Ma1n Dud3 have the new maps because i joined them and it said that the new maps are required
  19. I agree, if they would just show us the maps n release them then they wouldnt have to get mad about people leaking them.
  20. Every mod forge variant here was originaly on BNET b4 it was posted here. We are not leaking mods olny providing linkys to maps that have already gone public. Shotspartin you olny care about these maps being released because you cant mod and the mods you supposedly have are being released and with each release you have less and less mods other people don't have making you less and less in the cool group. also How dare you impersonate someone you total looser. i find it funny how he trys to impersonate someone whos actually not a complete fagit lol
  21. MFone

    Which One?

    well so far i have to try to get snowbound because thats what the poll says.
  22. MFone

    Which One?

    why? on the pit and rats nest there are pelicans that u can fly!! so why wouldn't u want that?
  23. on top of the base behind that shield barrier or w/e it is called.
  24. to be able to pick up the turret you cant pick up the missle pod up 1st.
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