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Everything posted by MFone

  1. Lol i love how people think that we are just a bunch of little kids who steal mods. lol. Do i sound little to you?
  2. Nice post Red, and glad to see that you are in the clan again.
  3. actually these were not done on a dev kit becuase i played them today.
  4. He does steal but also so he can mod.
  5. This is a post that someone made on XboxTampers QUOTE (CPT SPIFFY @ May 12 2008, 11:46 PM) QUOTE (Patob220 @ May 12 2008, 03:41 PM) QUOTE (CPT SPIFFY @ May 12 2008, 11:39 PM) QUOTE (Patob220 @ May 12 2008, 03:32 PM) Oh well, it is a Cool mod ,they do not attack you, lol that would require an ai and since when did GSmods start modding i thought it was a bunch of littel kids stelling ppls mods Unfortunately not. It is either like this, they send the maps to anthony(or someone with a resigner) so they can make it for them. OR> They somehow made or got hold of a resigner. Anyways, no they are not little kids, Mfone is one of them so if they can get someone to rescine it i can to ? i need a go damn transfur kit You probably need to know them in some way. For example, if they are having some one transfer it for them, Mfone has anthOny and sligstorm on his friends list. There for, he gets an advantage. If it is that, Mfone of dakHAOSguy is the only reason that is happening
  6. I would be glad to help.
  7. dying honestly stop your complaining. Slig can mod, so just deal w/ it.
  8. Well it depends on which Gaurdian you are talking about. The one I made has- 14 shade turrets, 2 Rocket ammo, 4 Sniper ammo, 8 flames, and around 13 spartin clones.
  9. I very well agree
  10. Lol, nice
  11. idk maybe
  12. I don't even know who swimmer is. Actually I do. He said that we should put a rocket launcher in between the ammo. Thats all he did and know he says he made the mod. lol
  13. No IDC if its leaked I already put it in the UTD khaos said I could leak it. its just that we don't need 5 different post saying that it is leaked.
  14. Highground V1 SandTrap V1(7 elephants) SandTrap V1.1(20 elephants) SandTrap V1.2(102 elephants) SandTrap V2(2 Frigates) Last Resort V1(Clones+Flags) Standoff V1(Invisible Stuff) Valhalla V1(Clones+aa turrets) Valhalla V2(Trees) Valhalla V2.1(Trees and Playable) Snowbound V1(Sniper Tower and Clones) Snoubound V2(Shade Turrets) The Pit V.5(2 Warthogs) The Pit V1(5 Warthogs) The Pit V2(2 Pelicans) Epitaph(hell) Respawn Time Mod Foundry Highground V1.5(Invisible barriers) Rats Nest
  15. Close this. Its already been posted in 3 places. And the guy who posted that is taking it off.
  16. Well they reconstructed the WHOLE map. They added a higher water level. moved the bridge and the wheel. And added hills to the outside of the map.
  17. ~Last Resort Link- None yet Video- None yet Pictures: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Xboxtampers/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=2338350 http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Screensh...x?ssid=34807748 http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Screensh...x?ssid=34807715
  18. Hey I just wanted you to know that Sligstorm resigned this map, especially for kkx ghostkiler
  19. I made a new post
  20. Fire bomb explostions
  21. Link- None yet Video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VejcMtUCF6s...net/default.asp
  22. MFone


    go to hell, fagit
  23. No do not post those.
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