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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Which one is it? 100 or 50?
  2. Justrec


    I can only make something like that if I take like 3 days on it . I suck at gfx lol.
  3. Whats the difference from improved site and helpful poster?
  4. Here it is when it actually shows up as an image not a link. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23510-250.png [IMG=http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc128/Mast3rMod/lovetrainro2.png]
  5. / agree 200 is still too low.
  6. Yeah but who says this suggestion will take effect? If they say no, theres no reason to post why you should be VIP.
  7. Justrec


    He has one post and is never coming back... Just leave this thread alone and move on with you're lives people...
  8. Just out of curiosity, How are we supposed to obtain the improved site award, and the entertainment award?
  9. Good for you! You have a modder on you're friends list!!
  10. Yeah that program is not good. It doesn't work.
  11. or we can just bring people into vip and have a tryout section so it doesnt matter about your posts at all Love it! Or we can just bring it up to at LEAST 230 or 300.
  12. Sweeney, with all the 200+ hacked accounts you says you have, why would you want a 1 month?
  13. Love train award medal.. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23164-281.jpg Made it myself
  14. Well, it would be cool but whos gonna pay for the Ms points and such?
  15. .. Runescape sucks. Sry but I didn't bother watching the vid : /
  16. Justrec


    First ~ http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23158-282.png One of my best IMO http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23158-283.png
  17. Justrec


    The love award... Be nice to members.
  18. Justrec


    Lol its supposed to be for whatever.
  19. Justrec


    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/22859-286.jpg I was bored, so my entry.
  20. Who are you talking about?
  21. Eh, sorry but this mod doesn't interest me. No offence.
  22. He doesn't have one. Teabagger, don't lie. You don't have a signer. Period.
  23. Justrec

    Ima vip!

    But seriously. Who makes a topic about them being VIP? And most people who spams, they usually wait till they get 100 posts, then stops posting at around 100-105 posts. *points at REDSTAR*
  24. Justrec

    Ima vip!

    Congratz? I still think you spammed.
  25. Mine flashed Red for about 30 secs when it wasn't turned on, then i turned it on, and lights went away and my xbox started working so.. What does that mean?
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