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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. You wouldn't want one. If you drop the thing, the screen might crack and you can't use it anymore.
  2. Every random time I click on a link like the Media section, I get this error. IPS Driver Error There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here Doesn't happen all the time but hey, it gets annoying.
  3. Pictures please? You would get way more downloads If you provide them.
  4. However much posts you have, you should have the same amount of points. And I clicked on points, theres no option to change display name..
  5. I'm never looking at you're avatar again by the way...
  6. Well, Since we got the Invisionfree board, the Rep system is gone anyways. Is it going to get put back or...
  7. If he hasn't released it yet, I'll make a mod exactly like this and release it... You guys can too, I mean its not that hard..
  8. That movie looks so gay. I love action movies but It looks dull.
  9. Lmao. Nucklear should know that there is no map resigner. Even Detox doesn't have one. What gave him that idea?
  10. Yeah this isn't there. When you click on the edit button it gives you the option to quick edit, but thats all.
  11. Hopefully someone will make a fun game out of this.... Not just say, "ZOMG! I GOT A SNIPER TOWER TO STAY!". If you do that, just don't release it.
  12. Well ok, so this means you're not leaving then right?
  13. How do you add it to your name? Just copy & paste?
  14. Again? Whats with everyone leaving? Everytime someone leaves, Its because they don't like something about the site. I really don't care now.
  15. Nice tag but I think It needs a little bit more detail in it on right.
  16. GFX section?
  17. Zomg... Abnoxious!
  18. I'm a little confused here. If these are mods why do we have to xsata them? Shouldn't we just be able to play it?
  19. Ah, the eternal quest... Good luck. If someone gives you one, would you mind sharing it with me? Haha I can use the unlimited downloads.
  20. So you cant get VIP any other way than donating $5? Sounds ok to me! As long as the people who are already VIP get to keep it ^^.
  21. Justrec


    Well that was pleasant... Someone move to off-topic please? kthxbai
  22. Justrec


    Favorite part: Old lady: I can smell that lichor in your mouth! Hancock: Cause I been drinkin b*tch! And the movie is supposed to be rated R, but they took some things out of the movie so it can be rated PG 13..
  23. Resolved. <3 Nightkrawl
  24. I believe this problem is only with me. I cant edit my avatar, it doesn't give me the option to change it.
  25. lol this was funny back then. http://ibotmodz.3.forumer.com/a/it-spin ... t8885.html It spins! By Sweeny! Good job mate!
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