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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. So, are we doing this or what? I don't want this thread to be one of those when Peaches reviews it and says "Mabey" and the thread goes along all the way to the last page and no-one reviews this again. A simple yes or no would be great.
  2. Justrec


    On 7s!!! Browse down till you see the post that MFone made on their site. They said they got it from here but still, thats not enough. http://www.*****.com/forums/halo-3-mod...-more-maps.html I'm Mast3rmodder.
  3. Everyone knows that runescape sux. It seems that website was just made.
  4. Please don't install this. Its Very very annoying.
  5. OMG! We have a bunch of topics about photoshop Cs2 and cs3 for free in VIP. Just delete this one. This shouldn't be available to the public!
  6. Can we add a sub-forum in VIP section to just talk? All there is in there is alot of useful programs, but I just want a general section where we can just.. talk.
  7. Actually, this isn't just for H3. You can mod almost all of the xbox 360 games without resigning them. BUT you still need some of the private programs.
  8. Exactly. I don't know why you're arguing with him in the first place.
  9. Last day for YOU mabey.... I still have 6 and a half more days left. Oh and Dark Master, I really don't care. Every year, schools who get out before us, start back before us.
  10. Well, the links wont work.
  11. lol at least this is a little better. The topic on this on S7 ppl posted with 1-5 posts
  12. Lol, thats you're first? I've been trying for along time and cant do that good. I don't know how everyone gets those fancy backrounds and stuff. Like this one: http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/2664/outcomekn9.jpg Do they just color it in with some fancy brushes? Hmm, I wouldn't know how to do that.
  13. w00t. Thank you guys soo much!
  14. Dude..Thank you so much! I'm still open for more though
  15. Can someone please make me a gift? I mean a cool signature that I can use on forums. I'm suckish at GFX but im learning....slowly. If someone makes it, don't add in my name please. I have several names on differnt sites and i would like to add the name myself.
  16. Welcome Kevin! I'm new also. We can be good friends!
  17. He said you PLAYED on it. I think hes saying you leaked it.
  18. Phoenix xMoDx.. I bet you're trying to get VIP. You're the last reply for all these threads in this section straight down, and most of you're replies are pointless..
  19. So, what was the point of this thread? You already know the answer. Most people wants the resigner to be released.
  20. Mail it to them. And I wanna try out for VIP! Hope I win
  21. Bigkiller spam much?
  22. Is this and offline mod?
  23. Lvl 12 now
  24. MFone thats what I did to you... Without the recon though.
  25. If you were smart, you would look around and see he already released it. Now, I would give you a link but I don't give links to lazy people.
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