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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. no...
  2. i see people saying "Ive Been to /b/" How the @#%$ do i get there
  3. Fail Its BxR and he does have it.
  4. WTF IS /b/?!?!?!
  5. Justrec


    Yeah I know that no-one cares, but I'm leaving too. I don't want to make a good-bye thread. Its simple - The site is dying, like legacy said, the cool people are being overruled.
  6. He means Bungie has one.
  7. Haha, that was funny. I'm a twenty something, people think I suck because I'm low but they don't understand that I don't play matchmaking at all. I'm actually pretty good. But hey, you guys can laugh too but it doesn't hurt me. I just want to cheat to get my 50 so it goes by quick.
  8. I don't play matchmaking at all so they are quite low. I only played ranked and most of my socials when H3 first came out for a couple of days. So which playlist are you talking about?
  9. We r almost teh same! 73% scored higher (more nerdy), 1% scored the same, and 26% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Not nerdy, but definitely not hip.
  10. I will be buying two 1600 MS point cards for whoever can get me a 50 in any playlist. And If you could it would be great If you can get me a general. And no doing it legit because it takes to @#%$ing long. Do some kind of cheating way like standbying and bridging. If you want to play legit, no MS points for you.
  11. Justrec


    Good app. Thanks for releasing =]
  12. Bye. I hate to say it, but you b**** to everyone. Cya.
  13. Justrec

    New Sig

    I'm ripping this. Thanx. You left plenty of room for my name on the right
  14. LOLO LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAH That was wrong.
  15. Add JUSTREC right now. trying to get my 30 in swat. Im on right now.
  16. It shouldn't be allowed to ask to be banned. It might be someone on their account. You are actually supposed to say "No, click the log out button and never log back in"
  17. From?
  18. I've bought XSATA and I'm regretting it now. It hasn't came but.. Why am I fricked up about this? Its because My Computer is about 10 feet away from my box and the cord is probably like 4 feet. But whatever, lets get to the question. 1) ~ I've ordered XSATA on codejunkies about 2 or 3 days ago, I clicked the details for it, it says Unpaid/Unshipped, and theres a button for it to return... I don't know if its ever gonna be shipped or should I just press the return option? I'm pretty confused about this. And I'm still wondering If i can press return and buy the xport. I'm not doing it because It might say I bought XSATA still,.. I'm getting scared now... This is how it looks http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc128/Mast3rMod/hm.png
  19. Justrec

    Recon pic

  20. Sorry for bumping but, Subs.. Always with the attitude. I'm not on the GFX team but I would have said no anyways...
  21. Im going to make a screenshot porn with MFone's gamertag on it... Alot of them. Haha
  22. WTF dude. You should already be on GFX team. Why hasn't anyone given him his pip yet?
  23. Where is the VIP tryout section?
  24. Site is going straight to the top.
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