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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Dude thats a lol mouse not a lolcat.
  2. Dude, teabaggins didnt make the original lolbot. Anyway, LOLBOT FTW
  3. Justrec

    Verizon Env2

    It $%#^%# sucks. Its not cool. xpargas - you can stick it in your pocket
  4. Mine is more epic.
  5. Sandbox - 10/10 How the hell can you give sandbox a 8, when its the new forging expierience? It has the top level which is bigger than the middle/regular. The middle/regular which is avaerage sized, and the bottom level which is ibbger than foundy. You guys dont know how to rate. Assembly - 9/10 Great for Slayer, FFA, and all that crap. Orbital - 8/10 Great for CTF, Assault, and custom games especially infection. THIS MAP PACK RAPES!
  6. Bungie says they might release the date they come out this week. MIGHT.
  7. If so, post how you got them. If anyone is up for it, I feel like making a map..
  8. I only know covenant and locust. I picked locust lulz.
  9. the last one was priceless
  10. Justrec


    ORANGE http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/crescentfresh/DSCF1682.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d82/Red443j/Guitar%20Stuff/moreorange.jpg http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l262/BCkiku/icon/orange_icon.jpg
  11. Hurry up with the fileshare upload. I can't find good maps on sandbox nowadays.
  12. Get comcast, then uninstall some s*** you don't use.
  13. Justrec

    Best rapper

    You guys dont know rap. The best is clearly Lil Wayne, hands down.
  14. What does that have to do with anything. I'm just clearing s*** up because obviously, you guys are trying to find something that you cant.
  15. So much noob confusion in this thread. The ONLY way to get this golden clan tag was to get the collectors edition of the game. You can't just get a profile with the clan tag and then do some dumb modding s***, because the clan tag is on the disk not the profile.
  16. Justrec

    LoL cum...

  17. And who are you? A n00b who spams and fixes things?
  18. If you didn't understand his post, you're a dumbass.
  19. IPB is a little better than SMF..
  20. Lmao, 4,000 for a game? yeah right...
  21. Is it still there?
  22. Lol Elite VIP? Where have I been? I haven't known about this.
  23. Justrec

    VIP Updates

    Keep me in
  24. You're an idiot....
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