Delete that link at the first page. Peaches said it was getting over 100 hits so he erased everything and put is website link up. Thats not cool at all.
A private server is when WE I mean US make the servers ourself and they are FREE! The people who make the servers have all the powers on the server like they can make it instant 70, 80, or even 225. They get other people to become GM's ( Game Masters ) But we just join their servers and play like a regular player. Things owners of private servers can do. They can use something called GM commands and do whatever like spawn creatures or commands that gives GM's overpowered buffs. Or just instantly kills someone or whatever. Lots mores stuff but I'm too lazy to type 3 full pages about private servers.
God I've gotten here before... I just didn't know how to get there again. I went back on the map and jumped in the same spot trying to see if it was going to happen,
If you guys would like to play on a WoW private server thats beast, just say so. Instant 80, greatest mall ever.. I'm telling you. LOTS of members! If you would like to join a server thats just starting off, just say so. Im a GM on 1 server thats new and 1 server thats been down for 6 months.