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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Lol so? Its just a dumb trailer without any gameplay.
  2. Justrec

    Old ibm

    Lol that site was the s***
  3. ^ Pwned
  4. HOT
  5. Justrec

    Old ibm

    Wtf is the old IBM? the one with the crappy forums? Lol i remember.
  6. Lmao no posts. (This doesn;t count)
  7. Lmao.... People... Heres the ways that you can say my name. I don't give a @%#$ which one. JUST-REK JUST-TREK JUS-TREK Its not $%#^%# Just Record as some people say it. When you spell my name, its not JustRec. Its ***ing JUSTREC god dammit.
  8. Seriously. Matthew and hailsoffire are spaming like crazy.
  9. Dude.. Raw is slang for cool, tight, nice. "Man that shirt is raw!" But mostly black people use it.
  10. Lol Mocks?
  11. Yes.
  12. I heard he has an extra toe on his left foot from arthun...... :\
  13. ^ Lolfail
  14. Me no like him.
  15. Justrec


    thats my way of saying hi
  16. Justrec

    New COD5 Maps

    Dude. The zombie maps are hard as hell. If you play those for awhile then go and play the regular zombies, you could probably get to 50 by yourself cause the new one is so hard. OMG! The multiplayer maps are good too
  17. Seems like more right? Anyway, w00t. now i can play with my friends who dont have the maps.
  18. The game is good. Dayum Idk if you guys have played the game or what, but the game is nice. If you are talking about the campaign, then yeah, but online and s*** like that is the s***.
  19. Dude, you don't know how to spell copter? Wtf is a chopter?
  20. Um yes, I know, Peaches just said that. I'm saying this for the people who think if they act all mature they will get moderator.
  21. Half the people on that list shouldn't be there. Most of the people in this topic acting like they are mature (This poll doesn't mean anything, its who puts foruth time to the site, blah blah blah) , are just doing it for the mod position. No I do not want mod, but its just rediculous how many people are doing this for a moderator position.
  22. Korupt Data Dan Xpargas
  23. Not l33t at all.
  24. Some people say that it might be DAY/MONTH/YEAR So thats semtember 4th 2009. If thats the case, then thats the release date of ODST. Now theres ANOTHER mystery amoung us.
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