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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Nah hes good.
  2. Everyone was doing it? Lmao. You are not suppose to follow what everyone was doing. Spamming is spamming. Doesn't matter if it was for fun or not. You broke a rule. /End.
  3. I've made a bunch of funny s*** but I don't see it in anyones sig.
  4. Do you know if the other guy had a code to get them? You can only do it if someone got the maps by a code. If they got them any other way, the maps will be on their harddrive. Therefore, it wont work.
  5. Justrec


    Dude.. .Why are there so many posts on how awsome people are?
  6. SMEXY! THANX To my sig I go! I hope i have enough room. Screw it, I'm squeezing this in. <3
  7. Justrec


    ^ Noo really? That was the point.
  8. A What? Recent topic section? I don't see a point in that. Everytime you make a topic in any section, its recent.. I don't understand this.
  9. Right but can you explain p00p and s3xy?
  10. I'll add this later. I'm a little lazy. I didn't know they censored ****.. Thats pretty dumb.
  11. Lol why doesn't anyone report posts? Mods don't look through every topic looking for someone to say please close it. I reported it.
  12. Lol Peaches I was thinking the same thing, but didn't say anything because its not april fools yet.
  13. Justrec

    OLd members

    I knew all of those peoplez. Just didn't talk to them that much.
  14. Haven't heard of filefront from along time. Probably down from loss of active users.
  15. +1
  16. Justrec


    Lol that maze is so old. Secret: Hold your mouse left button, then you can skip through it really quickly, even if you touch the black.
  17. Yeah, I have a map on sandbox with a teleporter that takes you outside of the map, and you can get ontop of the guard towers and crap.
  18. Ok? If you are not going to click any, don't post. I don't care if you are not clicking any of them. The report button is a pretty thing.
  19. Bump, added nother dragon
  20. Justrec

    new guy

    Want a cookie?
  21. I've gotten the skulls on the multiplayer maps and I've gotten those achivements so...
  22. Can everyone click the things in my sig? The eggs/dragons? Thanx! I need them to hatch and for the ones not in the eggs I need them to grow up. Looks like one already did! You don't have to click on the big one.
  23. I'm a dumb trailer with no gameplay? I can post If I want because it has something to do with the topic. I'm just saying my opinion that trailers aren't important if they give us no gameplay or any info about the game, but I said that BEFORE i realised that the game has something to do with terrorists coming up the elevator and shooting everyone -.-
  24. Terrorists came up the elevator and shot the place up.
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