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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Vouch for Otaku ~Mast3rModder
  2. Need Different Color Enable Custom Titles to Them Give them their own little section
  3. Which is why I put it in H3
  4. http://www.comingsoon.net/toppreviews/ #19.. When was this announced?
  5. Recently, a guy at the age of 13 posted a thread on the Halo 3:ODST forum on Bungie.net. He was requesting a girlfriend and everything, and somehow the thread got over 200 replies. The modzorz were pretty angry and banned everyone who posted in that thread, including me. Most of the people were insulting him, and some people just laughed our asses off.. lmao. I decided to post this here because I thought it was funny... And I lol'd at the time. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=34736750 Go to the last page.
  6. This is still an issue..
  7. $100 for an iPhone? LOLOLOL! I just got an iPod touch for like $250 or something. And that's the least gig. The iPhone is way more.
  8. Lulz yep and its gay.
  9. Justrec

    Im sorry

  10. blam blam blam blam
  11. Data stfu.. god.
  12. Its the fancy way the post is being posted? It like slides and stuff?
  13. ..Your friend told you to do it.. lmao
  14. Dont get it.... Lies.. ...Test Is it that merge post thing?
  15. Watching..
  16. I don't get wtf this is supposed to be.
  17. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/user/1337-buda-pepp/ :D :D
  18. Justrec

    I'm Back

    We've been passed legit 10k though.
  19. ..Thats a hella lot of reconz..
  20. They deleted mine too. If you don't make any posts, they delete your accs. But I made 2..lol
  21. Well for one, its a flying boat. If it flies, theres no need for it to be on the water. And of course Bungie made the boat. It doesn't matter if he made it. Its better to use that than to use a dumb warthog. Warthogs look stupid in that position in the water.
  22. Thats not you..
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